High Output MC Cartridge recommendations?

Hi everyone, first-time user here!

My vinyl system consists of the following:
Clearaudio Champion 2 Turntable
SME Series 300 Model 309 Tonearm
Sumiko Blackbird HOMC Cartridge
Audioquest Leopard Tonearm Cable
McIntosh C41 Audio Control Centre / Preamp
McIntosh MC2102 Valve Power Amp
Amphion Argon 7LS Floorstanding Speakers

Most of the components are about 10 years old. I bought the TT, tonearm and cartridge from a second-hand hifi dealer so I didn't have any involvement in matching the components etc.

Some years ago an over-zealous cleaner managed to snap off the cantilever from the Blackbird. I was very happy with the overall sound of the system so I went and bought another Blackbird. Sadly, however, the same thing has just happened again (in spite of a big PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH sign, but that's another story!)

So, rather than go to the expense of just replacing the Blackbird yet again, I thought this time I would do a bit of research into what other options might be available. Sorry for the long story, but has anyone got any recommendations for other HOMC cartridges I should be considering?

Cheers, Mike
Benz Glider has a Low, Medium, and High Output MM cart avail.  Reasonable price range for a good quality cart.
Lyra Delos is a mid output cart and currently in my own system.....what range of cart output are you looking at?  What are the gain settings available on your C41phono stage?
I read about Hana cartridges in a recent thread @ AudioAsylum and did a little research (for my SME 3009 Non-Improved) and they seemed to be well liked and a good match.

Not familiar with your 309 though.

Never heard of Hana before, but the HOMC’s I looked @ were $475 & $750, which I assume is in your price range.

Anyway, might be worth a Google.

Thanks for all your help guys, you've given me heaps to think about. In answer to the question for Quincy, the phono stage on the C41 has a sensitivity of 2.5mV
Why not send your existing cartridge into Soundsmith and have them replace the cantilever?

I had a Denon DL103 which I liked a lot and heard about the Soundsmith option. I actually bought a new DL103 from them that had the ruby cantilever treatment just for expediancy (faster than sending the Cartridge in). The improvement in details conveyed was amazing, but it kept the same Denon qualities that I liked.

You also get to choose from several stylus profile options, so you can get as fancy as you like.

I would warn that the more advanced the stylus profile is the more critical setup becomes to get the best out of the cartridge.

You would probably need a Mint Best Tractor (protractor) to get the alignment spot on (or something like that). A paper protractor will no suffice with advanced profiles such as the Optimized Contour Contact Line stylus type

For the different Stylus Type offered see the drop down on this page

Having said that - the rewards are many :-)

Regards - Steve