High impedance Speakers

I've read here and there about the benefits of using speakers with high impedances, especially with low power tube amps, but there don't seem to be a lot of them out there. I've identified a few:

Coincident Victory, SuperEclipse, TotalEclipse: all 14 ohms
Coincident TotalVictory: 10 ohms
Omega TS33: switchable 4 ohms/16 ohms
Zu Cable Druids: 12 ohms

Can anyone add to this list?
Ah, Ralph, now that I see you have added your wisdom to this thread, it popped into my mind that you are the longtime guru of this topic!
The older Altec alinco drivers from the 60s were 32 Ohm with over 100db. That's even easier to drive with less than 1 watt of juice. : )
Their 3 BPC is switchable 4/16 ohms (in dipole), and 8 ohms in monopole operation.
I have advocated high impedance speakers for a long time, not just for my own activities, but for the fact that any tube amplifier with a high impedance tap on the output transformer will perform noticably better with a high impedance speaker (in this case 16 or 32 ohms) then will that same amplifier on a lower impedance speaker, all other things being equal.

IOW, if you are investing in a tube amplifier, your investment dollar is best served by a speaker with higher impedance, all other things being equal. If this means 8 ohms instead of 4 that's fine but 16 is better still, if the amplifier has the capability for it.

The difference in low frequency bandwith from the higher impedance taps to the lower impedance taps on an output transformer is clearly audible and measureable. Also noticable is the increase in transparency (read: decrease in distortion). It is win-win for everyone but the transistors.