High Fidelity Cables MC 1-PRO

Just plugged it into my system yesterday. So it only has about 10 hours on it. First impressions The sound became more detailed in the mid range really opens up nice. (not harsh or lean). The base is tighter but not as deep as before. I experience the same base problem when i started breaking in High Fidelity MC 6 Hemisphere. The base with the Hemisphere took a long while, but came in great (Better than orginal) after it had 500 plus hours on it. So for now i am not worried about that. Since High Fidelity recommends about 400 hours before the MC 1 Pro settles in. The sound stage as a whole is much more defined feels sound like it has more energy, but it did shrink a little again i feel this will get better than it was with reaching the 400 hour mark. I am very happy with the over all sound my systems has since adding the MC 1-Pro and thinking about adding another one.
I did plug the MC 1-PRO in at the wall with my 21 MC 0.5s all on the same line that feeds the MC 6 Hemisphere. Which feeds my front end, TV and Sat. box. i all so have 6 MC 0.5 plugged into the Hemisphere. The Pro and the MC 0,5s sound very good together and a nice match up. Will report more as i get more time on the MC 1 PRO.
enjoy Pete

Showing 31 responses by 68pete

Hello Joecasey
Yes there is a difference between the Pro and the MC O.5s. But there is a difference between a apple and orange, both great tasting with healthy different values. both good for you in there own ways.
The MC-1Pro is much heaver and bigger than the MC O.5s. I would guess weight wise it weighs as much as 4 MC O.5s. The Pro is harder to stack in a chain using the 3 to 1 adapters like the .5s.The Pro cost more than 6 MC O.5s  If you have followed the High Fidelity thread at all you will read that i really like the MC O.5s. I have 48 of them spread around my stereo system. To get a  fair comparison between the two, i think you would have to use them  in a system that did not have any High Fidelity products in it . I like the Pro a lot but i am not removing any MC O.5s in my system to add more Pros, But i will add some more Pros in the future. The MC O.5s really gave me good separation in sounds with a deeper black between each sound. Where so far the Pro has expanded on that and given each sound a more of a defined edge (not harsh) with the mid range and highs really coming on strong (not in your face) nicely, rich sounding. Right now i would say the 2 compliment each other and make each better. I hope this helps.
enjoy Pete
The Mc O.5s and the MC-Pro are different The Pro as i under stand it has a different configuration of magnets in them . The Helix braid that is in the URH level and higher. And a add very small capacitor to aide in moving the electrons. That technology is in the Pro Elite level i believe. They are the same in that its magnets, but very different after that. You could put the question to Rick or Casey at High Fidelity. They should give you a better answer. Hope that helps
I have my MC O.5s in the orange outlet adapters all so stacked or daisy chain together. The Pro did not fit well with this type of stacking unless you plugged it in at the very in of the outlets. I removed 1 MC O.5 from the chain plugged a 11inch power cord in to that spot plugged a orang adapter in to it add the MC O5 along with the Pro. this worked great for me. good luck and report back
The MC O.5s and the MC 1 Pro work well together. In my system the MC 1 Pro improved the sound differently than the Mc O5s. Both very good.
Glad to here your CT-2s are sounding great for you. The MC-1 Pro will even bring in more clarity and still sound very lush with no hardness or dryness. When you get your Pro post your feeling on  it and where you put it in your system. All of High Fidelitys products seam to work well with each other.
I do not know about the Omega mats (thinking about trying one). The MC 1 Pro is very good. If you liked the MC O.5s you will love the MC 1 Pro. The MC 1 Pro works well with the MC O.5s and will not disappoint. For me the MC O.5s did not take long to break in 20 hours maybe where the MC 1 Pro will be a lot more, but well worth it. With out a doubt a step up in sound across the board. Both the Mat and the Pro offer 30 day trial periods.
davidpritchard and lak
How far are your breaker panel boxes from the equipment? Could distance have anything to do with the different results?
Hello ozzy
I asked High Fidelity your question? The MC 1 pro would function but not as well with the ground missing and would be more like a powerful  MC O5. The MC O 5 would work ok. Hope this helps
Hi ozzy
Glad to hear you got through the surgery. do not rush the arm and do all of the physical therapy they give you for it. I believe just like the MC O5's you must be using the Pro's to break them in.
Hello ozzy
The plug in time with not being used mean nothing. Its the playing time that you want and you need about 300 to 400 hours. They should settle down at that point. Yes they will not sound good for a while, but they come around.
Hi joecasey
It only gets better with time.

Ozzy Call Rick at High Fidelity cables he will help you out, very easy to talk to. 
Hi ozzy
Yes Rick told me about 400 hours is when it is at its best. The one i am using took about 300 plus before it is really good. For me it was the base that was lacking for a while, but did get much better over time. I used it at the wall with the Pro power cord feeding my MC 6 Hemisphere and have everything plugged into it include the tv and sat box. so if the stereo system was not on the tv was on so the hours went by quickly. You do not want to defeat the ground on it. I unplugged one of the MC O5s and plugged in a very short power cord with a 3 to 1 splitter on it and add the Mc O5 and the Pro 1 to it and plugged it back in the same spot the MC O5 came from. It has made a nice improvement in my system.
I have one at the wall with a Pro Power cord that feeds the Hemisphere and it is great. 
The pro 1s are great,  combined with the MC O5s they are even better. As you know their is a big price difference between the two, with the Pro 1s cost a lot more than a MC O5 so the price point makes that a hard question to answer. The physical make up and size different all. so play a part in it  You can not go wrong with either one and they do compliment each other.The Pro 1s are very good.
The Helix Pro is supposed to be even better, with the Helix design i think the break in is a little longer. But well worth the wait. Report back when you can.
Hello drpie
As you go up the High Fidelity line the sound gets better. So yes the higher up the line you can afford the better the sound will get. You say you have eleven outlets, is this on a power conditioner or distributor of some type? I have found the more MC .5s on one power line is the best. Placing them at the wall plug is what worked best for me. I have them stacked with the 3 to 1 splitter plugs on top of each other also have a very short power cord plugged into the stack with my Pro 1 on the power line feeding my Pro power conditioner. with a couple plugged into the Pro Power Conditioner out lets that i  am not using. I  have about 25 of them on my amp line stacked up.  I also use several of their power cords which also made things better. I hope this helps, if you go to the High Fidelity Facebook page and scroll through all the pictures you will see the MC O .5s stacked up with the 3 to 1 splitters. Get as many as you can at your DAC or Source. Let us know what you did and how it worked for you.

Hi socall77
For me the Mc0.5s and the Pro-1, where better at the wall feeding my P10. I tried them plugged into the P10 and the results where not as good. I had my P10 feeding my MC 6 Hemisphere, with my front end plugged into the Hemisphere. The sound was good, but not great. I removed the P10 from the loop and with in a couple days of listening the sound was much better. The sound stage became much bigger-wider and detailed. By removing the P10 the sound just got better across the board.  The break in for the MC 6 Hemisphere is long 800 hour mark is where it pulled away from the P10. The drawback is no spike or sure protection with the Hemisphere and it is for front end equipment only NO amps. It should not power you're P10.  It handled my Pre amp ,Disc player. Tv, Dvd player and Sat. box no problem.
The HFC power cords just get better as you move up the line and work well with the MC O.5s and the Pro-1. each time i moved up the line in power cord the sound just got better. Huge jump for the better comes when you move into the Pro power cord. Much bigger jump then moving up the rest of the line. My MC o5s and Pro-1 are all on power lines that have HFC power cables plugged into them. With the exception of my amp which is on a dedicated 20 amp line and i use a 20 power cord for it, but i do have 23 Mc O.5s plugged into the same power socket.
I moved into the Pro Power Conditioner a couple months ago (it replaced my Hemisphere) The sound stage and sound improved like i had upgrade all my components several levels higher. I hope that helped good luck

The bass takes the longest to settle in, but when it does its worth the wait. From the MCO .5s to the Pro, Pro Power cord , MC 6 Hemisphere-The Big Pro Power conditioner the bass was always the last to tighten up and become powerful sounding.
benjie i moved up the chain on power cords UR to URH to the Pro. Their was a nice increase in performance each time. But when i went to the Pro level the increase was huge Like a component up grade or better.
I have found that the Helix does take longer to break in. Only the hours that the  Pro Helix+  it is in use will count toward the break in time. Just plugged in does little for break in. I have found the bass is the slowest to come around, but when it does it is much better than before. Each time it is unplugged from the wall and then plugged back in it will take time to resettle in.
That sounds about right, will get better with more time. Can be a little bit of a roller coaster ride but the end is good
Hello gkg2k
I have several MC-1 Pro Double Helix Plus Signature wave guides in my system, not to mention many of the other wave guides. Divided between to power lines. One 15 amp line for all of my front end and then a 20 amp line for my power amp.  I am not familiar with your power conditioner. You could contact Rick Shultz at High Fidelity Cable and ask him what he thinks with your power conditioner. He is very easy to talk too. I have used PS Audio P10, and found out at the wall plate was the biggest increase in performance. Later replaced the P10 with High Fidelity  MC 6 Hemisphere conditioner for better results. Then upgrade to the High Fidelity Pro Power Conditioner for even better sound. I would try at the wall plate first, that way everything plugged into your conditioner would benefit. Just remember to give it at least 400 or more hours at the wall. Before making any kind of decisions. You can always move it later to the rear of your power conditioner.
There is no right answer, what works (sounds) best for you is the correct spot.  If you move it around it will need time to settle back in each time. please report back on your journey
Good luck Pete
If you can swing it. I would recommend High Fidelity NPS 1260 contact enhancer. Well worth the money and it will take your MC-1 Pro to the next level. Along with your entire system.