High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Waveguide and Total Contact

There seems to be some kind of synergy going on with these two products. I have one MC-0.5 plugged into the wall duplex that feeds my system. When I got it initially, I was very pleased with the results. Later, when I decided to try Total Contact, the first thing I treated was the three prongs on the MC-0.5. Again, I was very happy with the further improvements I heard.

Recently, Tim Mrock, the inventor of TC, suggested I paint the outside of the MC-0.5 with it. At first I thought “Wow, that's kind of crazy!”, but Tim has not steered me wrong yet. I went ahead and painted it, in place, without removing it from the wall. I experienced an immediate and obvious increase in transparency and clarity. Initially, the top end was a little too lively, but that has settled down over a day or two, and I am now one happy camper 😀

I don't know how, or why, this works, but I am loving the results.

@tommylion, interesting and a reminder for me of what I used to do with a graphite paint some thirty years ago painting all the cables inside a Kondo 211 amp etc. I presume the TC is a much better version of what I was using in those days. I painted the components as well and had good results.
I’m not a big hands on/DIY guy, but I did a little bit of painting inside components with TC, and had positive results. Others have done it much more extensively, and also report good results.

For me, with the release of the Omega Mat (and the smaller version coming soon), I find that a much easier way to get what I believe are similar results to internal painting with TC. Of course, the very best results are likely to come from both 😉
So, what's next? I'm more than willing to wait this all out for the final product/s.

I'm using several MC-05's with excellent results. No painting required.

Happy Listening!