High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Thanks lak. I hope to compare the two once I get a replacement for one defective Banana plug.

My first HF U speaker cables had spades.
My updated HF U speaker cables have bananas.
I honestly can't say that one sounds better than the other, but with my system component set up the bananas are easier for me to use.
My 3.7 Maggies have a small hex screw that I can add some pressure to the bananas however the magnetic attraction holds the bananas firmly into the back of my Plinius SA Reference amp.
I'm very pleased with the bananas.
Spades or Bananas 
Has anyone experimented with Spades and Bananas on their High Fidelity Speaker Cables???
2 schools of thought.
1) I've always loved to crank down spades really tightly for max contact.
2) Rick suggested that the bananas' "straight in design" might be better for magnetic flow. (but they fit so loosely...)
I've never used banana plugs for serious audio before.
What have you found??
Pete, I like to buy 4 MC-0.5's at a time, but... I have many other upgrades going on now and a list of future upgrades I have yet to get to.
I might try more of the RCA adaptors when they become available again.
They made a big improvement on my Pro IC's. Hopefully, they will be available in a month.
Let us know how the cubes work out for you.
Thanks Dave
Hi ddraudt
Thanks for the info. I did pick up 2 of the power cubes, but have not had a chance to play with them yet. I do see where the cubes does block the second plug slightly. Waiting for my 3rd and final High Fidelity jumper to ship for my speakers. Then i will order some more MC O5 to go with the 16 i already have. At that time i will play with the Power Cubes and adding more MC O5 to the system.
Thanks again Pete

68pete, Power cube looks like it would works well if one can devise a connection protocol... 4 sided plug in would block second outlet of a duplex outlet.

There is a cube with a short extension cord (or use your own extension cord to a cube) that then can be gang plugged into many cube shaped cubes away from the duplex outlets.

My power in comes into the audio room to a 2 duplex outlet setup.
               One outlet plugs in the system, the other 3 outlets are for my 12 MC-0.5's.

Maybe I'll get cubes for second dozen MC-0.5's.

Splitters have a break in time of up to 5 days FYI

Cheers D

Has any one tried using the Power Cube a 5 way splitter instead of the orange 3 way spliter. The power Cube comes any several different models. The base model is a 5 way plug. If it could be used then it would shorten how far out of the wall your stack of 3 ways would stick out. Not to mention you would be able to have more of the magnetic power applied in a shorter  line.
I think it is a good idea to audition cables, and everything, if one can -before purchase.
I only recommend the top High Fidelity Cables to people with systems refined enough to hear what they can do.
Reference level system are extremely rare.
From what I am hearing now... I doubt many have an inkling of
what is truly possible. My system 3 year ago was one of the best I'd ever heard. Today, with HFC PRO Cables, There is no comparison to that old system. No description that would enlighten others of the experience. And no way I could have imagined what is being presented to me without hearing it myself.
I have 12 MC-0.5's at the power input to the system.

If one looks closely at Ricks video about new products, in the end where music is playing, one can see 36 of the MC 05's.
24 are plugged together with 12 orange 3way splitters
 6 are in a MC-6 hemisphere 
 6 are in a MC 6


I have 3 dedicated lines.

I have 9 MC 05's on my digital equipment, 6 on my Amp/Preamp line and 1 on my subwoofers line.


as a long time observer and part time contributor to this thread.  I recommend anyone considering these excellent and stupid expensive cables to audition them before purchasing regardless of what others say.  There is absolute synergy in every system and our ears are unique.  

I actually sold my entire ultimate reference loom and replaced with antipodes reference loom for a fraction of the price.  This hands down was the best move in my system. 

I am happy to see high fidelity innovation directed to a more 'affordable' market. 
Has any one found what would be the diminishing return on how many MC O5 you can put on one line? At the last Newport Audio show They had 4 or 5 ( 3 to 1) stack up on one line. Has any body gone beyond that?

Excellent. Thank you, ddraudt.

Just curious on a related note, has anyone taken advantage of their trade-up program? My understanding -- and this is actually my question -- is that they will give the owner full original retail price credit against an upgrade. Is that correct? Anyone done that? 

misterbritt, Yes it is best to schedule an appointment for shortest turn around. Yes there is a charge it varies with the number of cables.
At this point I hear it is $40 to $50 per cable plus shipping to the shop.. Time it takes depends on the level of cables as PRO's take a week of processing and the CT-1 is a day or two. My Pro treatment took about 2 weeks from shipping off to getting back. I would expect 2 weeks for any treatment.
Waiting is hard for us.. I hated being without but was rewarded buy a surprising major improvement in all aspects of the sound and image.
Other friends say they hated the wait but are thrilled at the effect also.
And back to this new process or treatment some of you guys are talking about, please. How does that work? Do you schedule an appointment to have them refurbished and send them to their office in Texas? Does High Fidelity charge for this service? How much? What's the estimated turnaround time, please?

High Fidelity new CT- 1 Level 2 jumpers vs Transparent Ref.XL jumpers (mm2)
The CT-1 crushed the Transparent jumpers in my simple system. The change was not minor is was huge. I have been a Transparent cable fan for a very long time. I use their speaker cables and xlr interconnects in my system. I have not used any of the newer generation 5 wires, but have used the MM2 level Ref XL line through out my system and have felt that it was good.
I have slowly add the High Fidelity entry level tweeks to my system and each time is a nice improvement. I own now 16 of their MC o5 and a MC6 hemisphere power conditioner. the CT-1 level 2 jumpers where the biggest size wise improvement in sound yet for me. Every HF product i have add to my system has been a step up in better sound.

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Sigh; anyone going to go there:

Notice that this new version, called the Reveal,  is said "to exceed all other cables regardless of cost." So does this $699 cable outperform the old CT-1UR at considerably more than $699? How long until we see the CT-1 Reveal E, etc etc etc.
Cable treatment is a winner!
Magic - Revelations of a 9 hour listening session yesterday.


Last night, There was an essence of life I could not have guessed could exist in audio playback.

Shape, texture and 3 dimensionality took on new meaning as every aspect of the sound came to life, like never before!

The sound not only emanated from the instruments but projected out into the recording room. I’m not simply hearing music coming out of a horn, but music from the horn filing the venue.

It sounds like Magic to me. A similar feeling to being impressed by a fantastic magical illusion.

Correction, it IS a fantastic magical illusion.

Enjoy the Music


To all those who have a ct-1u or the old version of the ct-1ur ( interconnect) ...upgrade to the new ct1-ur...it is just amazing...such realism ..just superb...
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Thanks Lak!
benjie,"any idea"?.... good question! what I know is that the process is proprietary. I think it is like cable cooking with specially designed and built magnetic power equipment.
I know it includes a number of different processes done over 8 days.
I know that they treat all new cables and cords this way before shipping.
I know it was an idea of Ricks to greatly increase the break in process.
and Ricks description "a 'new magnetically driven amplification process to enhance the power of the magnets and internal connections and to magnetize the internal wire."
I know that someone is writing a review of the process.
My experience over the past 5 years shows me that more magnets makes more music.
I know it made my system sound like a completely new and much more refined system. The magic has gone thru the roof!! Engulfing performances!
 Considering where the system was to begin with, this is astonishing!! I expect improvements to continue for a number of weeks. 
Highly Recommended ;-) D

@ddraudt congratulations on the return of music ;-)!

@benjie good question.

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Yes, I got all of my cables back from a treatment and put my system back together. And Yes, it sounds very much improved. I've been thinking of How to describe going from absurd sound to even more absurd. Here are some notes:
Effortlessly flowing realism.
Wonderfully engulfing spatially accurate representations of musical performances.
The performers are solidly in the room.
An uncanny sense of live sound.
Musical reproduction is just the start of this magical room reproduction.
I have heard really great music on many systems, I now am hearing everything in the room where the music was recorded.
As I listen to this system I realize that, although my descriptions are 
true, they haven't a chance of describing this experience.
Come over and take a listen. 
Cheers D
Cal, Lak, It's alway great for me to know that someone else has been greatly impressed with a magnetic upgrade. I've been blown away so many times with HFC upgrades from CT-1 thru Pro. Dangerously addicting for some of us.
Far beyond any imaginings. My sound has been incomprehensible for a while now and each upgrade is more astonishing. 
Cheers D
Day 2--without going into all the cliches everyone has already heard,the new CT-1UR has taken a superb system to a level i did not think possible.The improvements are NOT subtle.
Updated cables sounds like a great idea!!
I sent all my cables in 10 days ago for a treatment and expect them back this Tuesday.
Pro speaker, Pro IC, 2 Pro Power cords, 2 URH power cords.
Heard amazing things at Norms with this treatment.
Will report.
No music for 2 weeks is maddening.
Even crazier... Dave
received my new CT-1UR ..'new technology' interconnects yesterday afternoon and all i can say, after only listening for 1/2 hour, is that they are just incredible. I was not able to hear the original CT-1UR cables but these are great. will get back later with more thoughts .....
From what I understood when I spoke to Rick, the speaker cables were totally rebuilt to make them the current model in looks and performance. Sounds like almost everything was replaced. That's all I know. To me they look like brand new speaker cables. Sorry, I don't know any other information to pass on.

Lak. That's great news! Can you tell us what the upgrade entails?
Parts or treatment? Thanks D
I had my older HF CT-U Speaker Cables upgraded to the newest CT-U and WOW! Very nice improvement, I'm very plreased.

benjie, okay that is too far to go! Double magnetic adapters!!! Were I to try this, and yes I have room, I would have to supply support for both cables. Also I have to use special all copper RCA to XLR adapters into my BMC MCCI phono stage and these fall out too easily. But I think I will try it and fully expect to hear what you say.

I understand that Rick would like to get more powerful Magnetic Adapters. They cannot be any wider and still fit into normally separated jacks, so longer seems most likely. So it sounds like you have beat him to it.

rlawry, I have the UR Din to RCAs on my turntable also. I went directly from Enhanced to these and was shocked by the improvement. I suspect that were Rick to make a Din with magnets in it, which is getting magnets dangerously close to the cartridge, we would hear an improvement. But Dins are just too damn small! Also I have had problems with the Din falling out but my new one on the URs has been fine.
Phil, I have that combination with Pro interconnects from preamp to amp. I know several others who have this. I was first awed at the improvement at Norms house, as were others in attendance. And that was with RCA on one end. Eventually, 3 of us got RCA's for both ends.
Shocking just how much of an improvement $550 of adaptors made to $20K interconnects. I recommend them highly for whenever they are back in stock. Brought us closer to the music.
Cheers D

hi, have you try using magnetic RCA adapters? thanks.
btw, have anyone attached the RCA adapters ONTO the HFC interconnects ? (which means RCA adapter==> HFC cable ==> RCA adapter ) to double the effectiveness ...

Cal, the process uses new technology that Rick developed,
 and Rick uses the word process in his description.
I look forward to your feedback on the new cables.
Cheers D
ddraudt....Rick did say 'new technology' when he emailed me..that may be synonymous..don't know...!!!
I do believe it is a new treatment for magnetic cables that Rick has developed. I hear that they are treating all cables with the "magnetically driven amplification process" before shipping. I think the Ct1-UR are the same.
I just ordered one of Rick's new technology CT-1UR interconnects.It involves...as Rick states...a 'new magnetically driven amplification process to enhance the power of the magnets and internal connections and to magnetize the internal wire.'..He says the improvement will be 'staggering'..can't wait..stay tuned...
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Does this ever happen to you???

My music’s “realness" perplexes my mind sometimes.

The clues that make the brain sense a “real” *** experience are too closely mimicked. So, the “it's real but it’s not real" feeling, takes my brain some time to adjust. I'll let you know if I get adjusted ;-)

Cheers D

*** humans do not experience “real” but merely a construct of our brains interpretation of our sensory input, moments after an actual event occurs………………………………………………………

I got a Parasound integrated just to switch things up a little. I used my high fidelity ultimates interconnects on it today and WOW.  The extra solid state power with the clarity and depth of the interconnects did wonders for the system. I'm using this as part of my Solid state system. Great sound.  Anyone who can't hear the difference need to check their ears. Always good to switch things up sometimes just to see what happens.