High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Charles1dad, the easiest thing I can say is that the soundstage and musical content is not as realistic. I think the micro-detail that comes through with the HF cables is distorted. It is not a great difference, but the magic is gone. I noticed it most with one familiar recording, Dave Brubecks Time Out. This is one of my SACDs that are now on my music server as a DSD file. Without the tweaks and the ac filtering, the soundstage on Take Five was just totally striking and like I was their save for the running up of the volume on the drums in that part where Morello does a solo. The effect is evident on all the cuts I have listened to.

I just think these cables are a new technology which has invalidated many of our prior judgments.
Juliejoema, your vinyl setup sounds like a pain. At least you can use the HF phono cables. My BMC MCCI phono requires balanced inputs. So it is a pain in another circumstance.

The CT-1Es are exceptional but have flummoxed my use of tweaks. Gradually I am removing all as harmful to the sound stage and resolution of the Enchanced cables. Until last night I thought this was limited to interconnects and speaker cables and speakers. But the ac system is also a problem. One nice device in my prior system just fails with the HF cables in my system at least. Also they are causing me to reevaluate preamps, and amps.
Mtrot, yours are exactly my initial impressions of the HF CT-1s. I have since heard others say the same thing. Then I put the HF CT-1 Enhanced on. What is better than superlative? Clearly, for me at least, if the Ultimates are better yet, my music reproduction will have reached total realism.

Ultimately, I recall many instance where I would have said the same thing only to discover better yet components. But these cables are truly shocking and with no silver or copper, no long linear crystals, thick bulk, no golden spades or plugs.
Juliejoema, what do the normal HF phono cables look like? Are they just like the CT-1 Enhanced. I take it they do not have a DIN plug.
Re: Unshielded Phono

I need an unshielded CT-1(E) cable since the RS-Labs tonearm just rests on a blue polymer pad, it is not bolted/fastened to an armboard. For this reason, if you have heavy cables or stiff cables the cables can (sometimes due to stray fingers or hands) cause the RS-Labs tonearm to flip off the armboard and onto the floor. This happened with another, even earlier 'prototype CT-1' cable.

Ideally I would have a shielded phono cable, but since my turntable is in the basement, I have not had any RF noise issues. With any other tonearm, I would definitely get a CT-1E phono cable, shielding and all.


OK, I've had the CT-1 for almost a week now, and I have to say, it's almost like there is some sort of chicanery going on with this product! How can a cable be so far superior to other(fairly expensive) cables? How could it be that, after 40 or 50 years of R&D in the cable "industry", nobody has come up with a reasonably priced cable that approaches this?

What I am hearing is not just incrementally better than my previous interconnects, but far better. I know it's a widely used cliche, but it IS like a veil has been removed from the music. It is mainly the mids and low frequencies in which I hear the most difference. Vocals are so clear and natural sounding, and when there are multiple vocals simultaneously, you can easily hear each one's part. Attack on drums and stringed instruments is immediate and seems to be more impactful. I also seem to have more bass impact and definition. Finally, the overall dynamics of the system seem to be greater.

Again, the only area I'm not sure about yet is the high frequencies. I need to do some more listening with high quality sources, and try to get a better feel for what the cables are doing with HFs.

Are they worth $1600? I don't know yet, since I have not listened to other high dollar ICs, but, as I said, the difference between these and my prior ICs is marked. If you amortize the cost of a set of the CT-1s over 10 years or so, maybe one can look at them somewhat similarly to how one evaluates spending thousands of dollars on an amp or other component.
I appreciate the input given here. I placed probably more importance on actual owners/user impressions than reviews.I `ve found most owners to be quite candid and truthful about their experiences.
Re: Phono Cables

I don't have a current HFC phono cable, but I do have one of the first phono cables Rick made with the conductor used in the current CT-1E and CT-1U. It uses an older VD UltraClear connector, and without shielding, so the newer CT-1E would apparently be a significant improvement. But...

I had previously used a Hovland MGII Rca-Rca phono cable with my RS Labs arm. I had found the MGII cable to be significantly better than any other cable I had tried (albeit not with any >$1000 cables). When I put in the 'prototype' CT-1 phono cable the difference was incredibly noticeable. More weight, more detail, more realistic, a greater ability to appreciate the music, and more emotion coming through the music. So I found the 'test version' of the CT-1 to be much better than the MGII, and the new connector should make an even bigger difference with a 'real' CT-1E phono.

I am hoping to get a non-shielded CT-1E phono cable (Darn those RS Labs tonearms that just rest on the armboard, so the cables can't be stiff!), so I can report back later.

Thanks for your input, what you describe is precisely what I want. High resolution but in a honest and "natural" form. There`s plenty of natural color, harmonics and tone in acoustic instruments and voice.I want to retain as much of this as is reasonably possible.
The CT-1 is uber detailed, highly resolved and has amazing clarity - but at the same time it sounds smooth and non-digital.

It sound contradictory I know. But this is the magic that Rick Scultz has managed to come up with.

For the first time I would say this cable really is neutral, but it does neutral by removing distortion. Not by accenuating the highs or thickening the bass or coloring the sound like every other cable I have had.

What you dont get from these cables is that fake air and halo shimmer that does not exist on the recording. If your equipment is up to it you start to hear things that sound real. Real cymbol splashes, real drum strikes e.t.c
Thanks,I`m getting the sense from owners such as you and reading reviews that it is`nt an uber detail artificial sounding type of product.I don`t see as much written about the digital version compared to the analog cable. I`ll assume they have the same presentation/character and exstrapolate.
Has anyone tried the phono cables? If so which version and how did they compare to your current cables?

Charles1dad - Sounds like a really good fit to me. I have been getting exactly what you seem to be looking for out of the High Fidelity ics.. :-)
Thanks for your response,I`ll give them some serious thought.I`m seeking a pure natural character yet high resolution cable(not hifi hyper detail emphasis).
Charles1dad the CT-1 digital cable is signficantly better than any other digital cable I have had. In fact it was the first High Fidelity Cables product I had in my system.

But I will admit my experience with digital cables is not vast, unlike IC's where I have been around the block and know how good the CT-1 is with confidence.
It totally depends on your system. I had CT-1E's which were very nice and opened up after 20 hours, and again at about 100 hours. I currently have CT-1 Ultimate ics between source and preamp and at about 150 hours, they are finally starting to open up. By "open up", I mean clearer mids and highs with more inner detail and a fullness to the note after the initial attack. I also now have imaging outside of both speakers on a number of CD's. Soundstage is also deeper and the presentation is both more musical as well as more realistic. I can hear brass players taking breaths as well as which way singers are facing on some well-recorded CDs. Fretwork on guitars has become a given. I think they are about 1/2 broken in so far.... :-)
I actually found that the high frequencies (especially cymbals) were immediately clearer with the CT-1, compared to other IC cables. Using a quick switch, with an audiophile buddy also comparing, we found that cymbals were 'splashy' with the other IC cables, but more clear and distinct, more like live music, with the CT-1. If you think you may have heard more treble with your previous cables, try listening again and possibly you were hearing more treble volume, but only because of sloppy transients and high frequency hash.

And yes... the CT-1E is, as hard as it was for me to believe, noticeably better than the regular CT-1.
Mtrot and Alpass, initially I was struck by the brightness of the CT-1, but it settled down shortly afterwards. If I recall correctly, the next day it was more balanced. It is the ease and clarity of the top end that is most impressive with the HF cables. I did not have much longer term experience with the CT-1s, but the CT-1 Es continued to improve for two weeks. I have heard others say that 1000 hours were needed. I haven't heard much happening this week. I think I have about 250 hours of active use of the cables.
First, I don't have much experience with high-dollar cables, but I did want to chime in that I today installed a set of High Fidelity CT-1s between my receiver and my McCormack power amp. These cables replaced my set of Audio Art IC-3s which I have had in place for several years.

I always felt the IC-3s were very clear, compared to the anti-cable ICs I also tried out at the time. I have to say, the CT-1s were immediately clearer, more revealing, and more focused than the IC-3s. The only concern is that I think there may have been some "hash" in the high frequencies, but I think I should reserve judgement until they have run in for some time. Also, in some vocals the voices seemed to be a bit "shouty", if you will. Maybe that's just the way the recording really is.

I'm very interested if anyone can report about their experiences with the very high frequency reproduction of the CT-1s, as well as how long it took for them to "break in". Thanks!
My only interest is a SPDIF cable.I`m also considering the Sablon Panatela digital cable.
Charles1dad, I use a SP Dif HF cable, but there are too many different digital cables, such as USB, FW, optical, Estat, Ethernet, etc. I liked the SP Dif cable.
Just one additional experience with the High Fidelity cable that suggests how revealing they are. I had my Weiss DAC202 which is used entirely to convert FW into SP Dif for input into my Exemplar prototype dac. It was on Syner. Res. MIGs on top of my Exemplar XP-2 which was on 4 StillPoints Ultra SSs on their Grids on their Rack. I decided to replace the MIGs with 4 SP Ultra SSs.

I must say that heretofore I had found the SP SSs used in this point little affected the sound. Not this time with the HF CT-1Es! My sound stage with them has always been exceptional as was the timbre of the instruments. On Paul Simon's Songwriter singing the Sounds of Silence solo. I have always thought this cut sounded real, but now I could hear the location of each string on his guitar. Everything I played was like a new experience!
Mine still seem to be changing almost daily after almost two weeks. Bass has still not tightened up to where I would ultimately like it but midrange, treble are unsurpassed.

Since bass always seems to be the last thing ( at least IMO) to settle down, not concerned at all. Overall, incredible.
5 days into the 'Ultimate-Ultimate' combo and things just get better.i had 2 audio friends over for dinner sunday night and peter said that the system sounded 'more vinyl then the best vinyl'...Muddy Waters is just scary...stay tuned...
I can't believe we're suffering(!) but I called Calloway last night and my thoughts were confirmed to what he's hearing, I guess it's time to start $aving, sheesh...............

I hope Rick doesn't come up with a "Super Ultra" enough is enough already!
we purchased our CT-1`S around the same time last year.look`s like we are missing something with the upgraded cables
Calloway, congratulations on your acquisition of the finest sounding cables on the planet,
I know you must be listening in heaven.
Yes, I have ! :-)
I use to use DNM interconnects, those were fast and clean on my all tube system which is what I needed, when I went to the MG Planus I interconnects, I preferred it and thought I'd find Audio Nirvana, in fact, I was so happy with the synergy and 3D soundstage the the MG cables offered that I didn't think I would ever need to change them, but boy was I wrong?! I ordered a set of the CT1, and to my surprise, the difference was as huge as swapping a component like changing the DAC or amp for instance, the bass became solid with incredible gravity and solidity, the mids more airy and open, the top-end was also more natural yet more pristine and crystal clear, then I made the mistake to try the CT-1 Enhanced, that was even more unbelievable, what was so great about the CT-1 just got way more airy, way more clean and way more articulate with a precision that was almost sick! Let me assure you, your MG's although good, will sound like cheap and nasty cables when you get your hands on the HF cables, the price is of course way more, but the payback is ridiculous. If you can afford them, I believe your search will end there. Anything else will warrant upgrading except for the CT-1/E. I am about to upgrade my MG speaker cables and saving big time for the CT-1's, I'm suffering from what I'd like to call, PWS (premature withdrawal symptoms), believe me :-)
CT-1U ..speaker and i/c cables...: i have both in my system now having obtained the i/cs yesterday..DO NOT try these unless you can buy them..the combination IS THAT GOOD..!!..i am sure the i/cs will continue to improve over the coming 5-7 days which will make the enjoyment even better but, as for now, the sound is just spectacular.
Ok. Finally got good enough pictures to post of the Waveguide units.
I think their cool as hell but wife is skeptical. This proves their cool and us audiophiles will love them :)
I think that the new cable has an ability to define all the aspects of a recording.Giving new details while holding the fabric of the music totally in tact.Resolution is so transparent that you realise that you are hearing things that had been previously blocked but are now clear in a recording.
This cable makes incredible music that one has to hear to believe;its so intangible but soooo tangible once one hears it. If Meat on the bones is what you are after? Be prepared to feel the meat of the music as it surrounds and passes you like your standing still.I marvel at how much this cable reveals without lifting a damn finger and yet it weaves amazing images.
Is it the Best? Maybe, if all you want is the original sound of the recording! If your okay with that, then you and I concur,giving us one of the most musical signals in existence. I suspect that this maybe the Case!

Cheers Dennis
Knghifi...calloway here...i do not have a 'complete' HF 'Ultimate' cable loom at this point..i actually take posession of the CT-1U i/c tomorrow to go along with the CT-1U speaker cables..i currently use the CT-1E i/c..as i understand it Rick will be out soon with the pcs which i certainly will try...tomorrow will be a fun day with both 'Ultimate' cables in the system.
Rick's new company is going to take off like a rocket ship.

I remember saying cables don't make much of a difference, ya right!
Calloway, you have a complete Ultimate system? Wow!
How can it be a COMPLETE system without the PCs? I didn't think they are available yet.
Calloway, you have a complete Ultimate system? Wow! And if I recall you haven't had it all that long, so it must still be getting better. Having heard the CT-1s, CT-1Es, and CT-1Us, is the move from Enhanced to Ultimate as great as the step up to Enhanced? It sounds like the added cost might be worth it. True?
Tbg...you are correct ...BUT....don't listen to a complete 'Ultimate' system ...it's another level of improvement altogether...just stunning..
Sorry about the lack of pictures on my site of the Waveguide units on my Ultimate speaker cables. Phone camera was real fuzzy but will take a bunch of pictures this weekend if anyone interested.

I agree with Calloway's assessment of these regarding Valhalla. I used to be a Reference dealer for Nordost and always had a deep love for the Valhalla but these are just scary what I now hear in my recordings. In fact I have been listening to many of my old standby recordings just to see what I have been missing.
Don't get me wrong, the Nordost is still a fantastic cable and I could easily live with them forever, but, these are really special, even with only 6 days if break in.
Real test will be this weekend as my wife plays piano and is brutally hard when she evaluates my systems as she correctly states many systems just do not sound like a real piano😄
Rx8man, having heard and entire CT-1 Enhanced system, you will be in for a shock when you hear such a system.
Being one of the first customers of the CT-1's,
I think Rick's cables are already changing the world, I'm trying to imagine what the enhanced or ultimate interconnects will do to me, not to mention his speaker cables!
Ddraudt, you will find the CT-1 E speaker wires will greatly improve your sound. My CT-1Es are getting better each day and from the beginning were better than the CT-1s.
I have been listening to the CT-1's for 2 weeks now, and have to agree with all the accolades that others have mentioned! These cables will change the wire industry and eventually as the technology makes it's way into the electronic equipment it will revolutionize the way components are built around the magnetic technology. So far, the cabling is just the tip of the iceberg. Great job Rick! Thanks for letting us be the first to hear the speaker cables.