High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

@ TbG,, when I do get to here these cables, who knows, I may buy them for second system!,If the price point and performane can beat out what I paid new for the Tara the one cable system that is on my second system, and those cables are good bang for the dollar! cheers!
Hi everyone! since all of you here are buying the fidelity cables,, throw me some pricing for 1-meter bal i/c, all models. thanks! Cheers!
Listening to my new CT-1 Ultimate Cables as I type.
I have 1 U digital and 1 U speaker set.

compared to the CT-1 speaker/ E digital combo I was using, there is much more solidity to the image with ultimate, quieter background, smoother airier highs, deeper tighter lows.
My best CDs sound more real than I have ever heard any system sound.
I live in Austin- and have 3 cables for short term personal loan in Texas- 8 ft pr CT-1 spk cable, 1m pair CT-1E ics, 1M pair Ultimate interconnects.
If you want to hear my system contact me and we can see what we can work out.
Rick told me "Ultimate Reference" cables coming soon (as expected)
I have no other info on that yet.
thanks charles1dad,, tbg just got the best high fidelity i/c made! thats cool! he is going to report to me his findings, he already likes the ct-1 cable! cheers!
I was using the ASI Liveline and it was very good.The HFC-CT1 series is special.
5% is a reasonable charge if it allows a home audition( two weeks) and actual comparison with other cables,what`s a better way to find out? It eliminates the guessing and speculation.If you believe the Taralabs is in a different league, just compare directly and let your ears settle it.
Charles1dad, What digital cable were you using before you bought the Ultimate Digital cable?
Thankyou genlemen, I want to listen to them, not buy them!,,I do not want to go the cable company route,they would keep my 5% of my money, I am building a second system, and am very currious about these high fidelity cables,, not to be closed minded here, I believe the Taralabs zero gold I/C and omega gold speaker cables I have on my main system would be in a totally better performance league than the fidelity cables!,, I have compaired the odin cable to these taras,, not that the odin was not good, the taras presented a better match for my system!, they were musical instead of analitical!,,were do I go listen to the fidelity cables? thankyou gentlemen! Happy listening!
Audiolabyrinth..you will not be disappointed... i have the CT-1U speaker cables and the CT-1E interconnects..they are amazing...good luck
It was very easy to get a pair fromThe Cable Company for a two week audition. The fee charged is 5% of the product retail value and shipping. It was worth it for me. After reading all the positive testimonials on this site I just had to try them in my own system and form my opinion.
I auditioned the CT-1 Enhanced version and they certainly equalled the high praise. I bought the Ultimate digital cable and it's stunningly good.This single cable absolutely improved the sound of a system I already loved.
I borrowed Odins for a couple weeks from a good friend, the results in my system spoke for themselves.
@ Rx8man, ok, you got my attention,based on the buzz here, I want to hear them!, I live in mobile, ala,, so where is the nearest place to listen to these cables? Happy listening!
@ rx8man, how would you know that? have you owned the nordost odin cables?, I like Tara better!, they are more musical and real sounding than the odin cable!,This is in regards to your post 4-11-13,,,eanyway,to me,unless you lived with the odin cable,I would have to here the high fidelity ct-1 to believe it! cheers!
The "regular" CT-1s are equal to/better than Nordost Odins, at 1/10th the cost, so they still hold a very respective position regardless of the CT-E's or Ultras, quite an amazing testament to Rick's design.
You make a good point about audiophile vocabulary as it's easy to cross into hyperbole. I'd say these cables truly excel at providing a sense of realism compared to many other components. If rick were to offer an even higher level cable it still won't invalidate the excellence of the current offerings. For example, if something ranked at the 99th percentile that doesn't mean that something else at the 95th percentile is suddenly junk. It's still be in the top 5%.
Has eanyone here tryed Taralabs zero gold I/C and omega gold speaker cables?,, I find these cables without peer!,, depending on a system, the nordost odin or the cables above have stratisphere real sound!, I personally have never heard better than these cost no object cables!,, cheers!
"Ultimates are better yet, my music reproduction will have reached total realism."

I've been following this thread with interest and assume that these are good cables, may be even great cables.

However, what happens when Rick inevetably develops Ultimate II's? Where does one go from "total realism" -- absolute, or infinite realism?

I just had a conversation with an audio buddy about the fact that as audiophiles, we're a little neurotic, but really, cables now provide "total realism"?
My HFC -CT1 Ultimate digital has about 150 hours and are just fantastic!
So much has been written about the HFC on this site that I believe any thing I have to say is redundant. I'll keep it short and simple, this cable is a major achievement. If you detest artificial hifi sound where thin and sterile is mistaken for transparency and detail, and over emphasizing bass is a virtue, the HFC-CT1 is for you. As natural and"real" as you could ever hope for.High resolution done naturally is very hard to accomplish. If you desire pure musical communication, honesty, tone and genuine emotional connection with your music this cable is the correct pathway there.It is a slap in the face to all the fake sounding hifi products in the home audio marketplace.
Recent update,
I had to readjust my subs 3 times to allow for more low level detail that is now profoundly deep and clear in every respect.
The Ultimate cable is relaxing and opening up with musical dynamics that I didn t think was possible. My amp is running louder and more dynamic and clearer whilst running just warm to the touch ( that is amazing considering the ML CLS drop down to 1ohm load!!)This cable kicks some serious arse in every respect one can think of, to say that it is the Ultimate is actually a fair and accurate conclusion!!
I can't wait to hear the CT-1E speaker cables. I have some come coming very soon.....

The CT-1E speaker cables have an inline magnetic module, like on the Ultimate IC's, but apparently not as powerful.
..my CT-1U speaker cables are now fully broken in and their contribution to my system's sound is just amazing. the soundstage...detail...tonal correctness....blackness ...and the highs are all just incredible..if you want to upgrade..you won't be sorry..
Your rating of the three levels of the HFC CT-1 caught my attention. I auditioned the CT-1E digital and know it`s superb(as you indicated). If the ultimate version is a significant improvement,holy cow! I had a long phone conversation with rick yesterday and honestly I`m convinced.He felt this cable in the digital position has profound impact on the entire audio chain. I`ve ordered the CT-1 Ultimate digital and eagerly await its arrival. The Enhanced version had such an exceptional combination of ultra resolution and natural overall sound(the level of realism simply increased). I can only imagine what the Ultimate cable will do in my system.
Ddraudt..i have the CT-1U speaker cables and they are truly amazing...just wait..
The ultimate is double the amount of money of the enhanced version.It seems you aren't experiencing the law of diminishing returns, that's rare but says a lot.
I auditioned the enhanced digital cable and was pleasantly startled by its performance. So I can only believe you that the ultimate CT-1 is extraordinarily.
Agear, remember that I live in a college community in Texas. Yes, two friends have heard the cables. One heard my system in New Mexico and on hearing a live recording of Paul Simon singing Sounds of Silence, said that he never expected to have Paul Simon give a personal concert for him. He said little after hearing this here with the High Fidelity cables. He just asked to hear more and more.

My neighbor also heard the HF cables. He is always saying how impressed he is with the realism of my music reproduction. He did say Wow!
I just got an Ultimate Digital cable after a month of listening to the Enhanced digital and CT 1 speaker cable.
(ALSO, I did get a brief comparison between the entry level CT 1 digital and the Enhanced digital. The Enhanced was easily better in all respects.)

I have enjoyed the Enhanced digital very much this month as it does everything so wonderfully well.
In comparison, the CT 1 Ultimate is another huge jump in musical delight.
There is a definite amazement in the improvement focus and clarity, control and quietness.
An astonishing increase in detail and intimacy-
coupled with even smoother, more liquid sound-
leading to even greater listening ease and enjoyment.
I'm lovin it!!!!

The CT 1 cables are surprisingly great!
The Enhanced cables are amazingly wonderful!!
The Ultimate cables are utterly FANTASTIC!!!

I anxiously await the arrival of my Ultimate speaker cables.
Tbg, have you done any blinded tests of these and the portal cables? Has any non-audiophile said wow....what changed?
Tbg, have you done any blinded tests of these and the portal cables? Has any non-audiophile said wow....what changed?
Fplanner2000, I think you have stated what I think is true of the CT-1s v. CT-1 Es v.CT-1 Us. Listening to the CT-1s is shocking as they are so transparent, open, and realistic. The CT-1Es are even more so. And although I have yet to hear them in my system, the CT-1Us are a further step in the same direction.

I am quite shocked that Rick's promise that High Fidelity cables throughout are more than the sum of the parts and that this magic takes quite a long time. I substituted an integrated amp into my system which entailed moving every cable. After a day or two, I thought they had settled back into their sound. I was very wrong. Yesterday after being in place 12 days, there was real magic. I think the entire system is now a magnetic continuum.
I thought I would insert a comment here.

I have now had the CT-1 Ultimate ics for about a month between my CD player and preamp. The transparency and realism is amazing. They are apparently just starting to seriously break in at about 200 hours. I am hearing both a wider and deeper soundstage as well as more details than with the Enhanced version CT-1. Bass has tightened up and gotten quicker. There is an increased "ease" to the music that wasn't quite there before, as the noise floor has gotten noticeably lower. Separation/imaging,especially between voices, has also improved. I am also starting to catch low-level details I have not heard before, especially environmental cues - chairs and microphones moving, etc.

There is definitely a "WOW" factor present with these cables, at least in my system.
I think that Rick has really got magic with this technology. And I have yet to hear the Ultimates.
Thanks for that information. It explains why I`m enjoying their products so much in my system.The results of Rick and Robert`s talent is easy to hear and appreciate.
Everyone I spoke to using these cables is universal, the best word to describe is "real"!

I was lucky to meet Rick Schultz and Robert, from Star Sound, a few years back at Rocky Mtn. in Denver and was invited to attend a private listening session. Everything in the system was manufactured by their companies with exception to a Wadia CD transport-pre. The sound in that large room went well beyond magical and remains a fixed memory to this day.

It turns out these two guys are good friends and have known each other for quite some time. They share common links to their technical approach to engineering products that flat out make sound reproduction a much more musical experience.

Anyone who has ever had a chat with either of them is guaranteed to learn something new. I am a fan and generally purchase anything these two come up with and consider both talents a win win for audio.
Linkster, actually the StillPoints Ultra SSs seem even more significant. I use a Weiss DAC202 for converting FW to SP Dif. It was already isolated on my SP Rack and on their new Grils. I even had it on Syn. Res. MIGs. I put four Ultra SSs displacing the MIGs and there was a sharp improvement in clarity, leading edge, and micro- detail. It was loops to the neutral binding post and one of the RCA jacks on the preamp and WA Quantum Chips on the cables and speaker wires. Moreover, it was a device for filtering the ac.

Finding the proper word for what you hear when removing the tweaks is difficult. There is an ease and sweetness with just the cables that becomes somewhat congested with the tweaks. They just make the HF cables sound less real.
In my case I have to believe that the products I`m using are`nt creating any particular coloration. In fact it may be safe to say they have reduced coloration in my system and that`s causing the improved sound.
Charles1dad, it seems your tweaks improve performance and Tbg's were interfering (in that they dealt with colorations that were removed when HFC appeared on the scene). Is this correct? I'm afraid I'm a bit confused.
That`s a good question. The recent changes I`ve made(Duelund,Star Sound and Synergistic Research fuses) all their contributions seem elevated even further with the HFC in my system.This total effect is quite beautiful to hear.
Tbg, what tweaks have you removed? Would you consider the Stillpoints speaker footers as tweaks? It seems that your tweaks were directed at dealing with colorations in the signal cables that have since been replaced by the High Fidelity products. Is that interpretation correct?
Tbg it`s clear now. I got an audition sample HFC CT-1 'Enhanched' from The Cable Company yesterday. All ready it`s apparent this is in a different league from my current digital cable the ASI Liveline(which is excellent). All comments written in this thread are on the mark.With simply placing this CT-IE between the transport and DAC there`s an immediate improvement,case closed.Resolution,transparency,detail,nuance,dynamic contrast etc. You name it and its better(just a single cable insertion!). I have it for a two week trial period but really It`s a done deal, I`m going to purchase one.

My concern about a possible "hifi effect" is moot, the sound character is as natural as one could desire.Very alive,organic and vibrant.I don`t think it`s hyperbole to say this is a profound product.Its effect is as significant as my Duelund CAST capacitors and the Star Sound Technologies products,all are top tier.
Agear, I heard a better cable. This is not to say that the Exemplars are not great, especially the LLC Silver Portals, but nothing IMHO equals the High Fidelity.

Charles1dad, I really don't understand why you might think the tweaks reveal the shortcomings of the cables, when the sound is exceptional without the tweaks then it is with them.

I am now about three weeks into the break in of the cables and there was another great improvement last night. I have been told by another guy that is several weeks ahead of me that the improvement continues for him.
Tbg, I thought the Portal cables by Exemplar were your new favorite? What happened?
You're saying the HFC are so good that they're exposing the faults of your tweaks or the tweaks are revealing shortcomings in the cable?
Another term maybe resolving power. So your now hearing dynamic contrasts as they were meant to be without being swallowed into the black hole of a line filter? Glad I use cryo'd magnets. Tom