High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

If you decide to get the HFC, RCA adapters let us know how they work out for you.

Thank you all for your responses, Lak i got the black fuse's because of your posts,changed from Audio Horizons Platinum Reference.
Lak, Thanks for sharing.
I must say that the 4 folks I know that have both RCA adaptors and full loom of HFC report substantial improvements in sonic refinement when adding the adaptors. worth a try. ;-) D
I own a pair of the RCA adapters that I use in my second system (main system has a full loom of HFC). With the RCA adapters, you should hear a positive improvement in sound. The actual HFC should sound even better.
The adapters will give you an idea of what the entire cable will sound like, of course the higher up the chain you go, the better the sound, IMHO.
I should also add that in my second system I also use some HiDiamond products.
Hello everyone, I have been following this thead and would like to know how effective the RCA adapters will be in a system that has no High Fidelity Cable's.
My interconnect is Hi Diamond in an Anaiog oniy set up, and where ,before the phono stage or after.
I use HFC Ultimate Reference cables from my turntable to my phono stage since my turntable has DIN-to-RCA connectors and my Steelhead phono stage has RCA inputs.  Rick Schultz told me early on that all of the cables are of identical build (at any level) and only differ in connectors, so I am guessing that the phono cables would have the same effect as the regular RCA-terminated versions.  I thought the cables at this position had the greatest effect in sonic improvement.
Follow up RCA Adaptors report after 2 weeks.
I compared adapters in and out of the system.
Here is what I thought was better with adapters at both ends of my Pro interconnect from preamp to amp.
Better: Weight, tonal information,focus and clarity, noise floor lowering, micro detail, listening enjoyment, pace, rhythm, balance, air and space,
depth, image solidity, record room clues, effortlessness, Sense of being there.
Downside: I'll let you know if I find any.
Enjoy the Music
benjie, Thanks for your sharing, interesting! maybe I will try that.
Folks I know that have HFC phono cables love them!
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RCA adaptors arrived yesterday and lowered the noise floor immediately
allowing all the perks that less noise allows. The Bass is lower fuller more defined. Micro detail has increased allowing me to hear more of singers expression at the end of words that portrays more the artists emotion.
A very solid image has become even more solid. The highs are smoother
Musical tone has increased and an overall more live sound. and that is with under 8 hours on them. I heard much improvement in that time and look forward to more evaluations.
Shameless plug! I have a 1m pair of CT1 Ultimates in sales section. Also have a 2 meter pair if anyone is interested. 
I am with you OZZY, but it does not sound like it going to happen sorry to say.

I have ordered Magnetic RCA adaptors today after hearing what they did at Norms on Saturday. So did most who were there. I'm interested in hearing others reports on the GEMS. I think they will sell as many as they can make.
Cheers D

Dumbfounded! Well at least very surprised.
Lucky me, I got to visit TBG yesterday.
I came from Austin and met 2 audio friends from Houston.
Norms system the the best system I've ever heard! Truly Amazing!!!!
WE listened a lot and did some experiments around magnetic cables.
I heard further proof that the Star Sound's Audio Points improve the sound significantly when used under magnetic waveguides. All magnetic
The most surprising comparison was with the RCA Magnetic Adaptors on Pro Series interconnects. I was figuring that the most astonishing
interconnects ever would never need the Adaptors. After hearing the comparison with and without, I now believe that the Adaptors on the Pro
may be the most exalted position. Huge overall improvement, like opening a door to reality. and that was with Adaptors on one end only.
The Amp end. My assumption that a $299 set of magnetic adaptors could not dramatically improve a $20,000 interconnect was totally wrong.
First time I have been wrong in years. ;-) D
Enjoying the power conditioner. The mc 6 is doing a great job. It’s helping pull the musical notes a little more in the room.
Ahhh! my system is running again and it is better than ever.
It was hell listening to lessor music but it showed me just how "beyond music" my system is. 
My Pro speaker cables are much more than amazing. The sound reminds me of the years I spent listening to concerts on stage as a technician.
Every cell of my body is engulfed in the musical experiences. 
Nothing like merely listening to music, it is more like living in the music!
My heartfelt Thanks to Rick Schultz. Your the Man Rick!!!
@ddraudt I'm trying 2 of them so far. I going to try more soon.  So far so good! 

Romazicon, Thanks for sharing about the Pro power cord in your system. I recall wondering how a power cord could make such a big improvement in all aspects of sound, akin to a component upgrade.
And that was with the Ultimate pc! The UR helix was amazingly better...
But the Pros, WOW!
I've heard almost all of the HFC products, with each upgrade there is this very alluring increase in a sense of "real music". Alluring, addicting amazement. The unbelievable cost takes a back seat to the miraculous magic of the sound in my world. Words of an audio addict. ;-) D
Benjie, Thanks for your report on the 10 gage wire, dedicated line upgrade. I since I heard what it did here, highly recommend 10 gauge wire and dedicated lines to people. I can imagine it is an even bigger improvement from 14AWG wire than from 12 to 10.
The power, dynamics, fast leading edge, quieter, micro detail all improved greatly.
@Romazicon..... I would love to know your impressions as well! I also run a pair of the Omega Super Alnico monitors.

Once the Surreal Acoustic Lens is up and running, I'd be very interested in your thoughts regarding them.
I received my Surreal Acoustic Lens in the mail today.  It was hard not to give them a try after Rick told me "it might be my single best product."  Unfortunately, because of the whizzer / dustcap on my Omega Alnico driver, I can't get the device to fit.  The mounting plate is too large and so I have asked Rick to send me the smaller mounting plate option.  
I've had my HFC Pro series power chord feeding my Hemisphere for about 10 days now.  It replaced an already excellent CT-1 Ultimate power chord and allowed me to re-purpose my CT-1 Ultimate to power my microRendu music server.  From the get go, it was an OMG moment.  While I realize things will continue to improve and am excited by the prospect of this, after 10 days, I am just amazed by the improvement already.  The increased clarity and more robust tonal body is beyond anything I could anticipate or imagine.  The enhanced layering of detail is simply stunning, even at low listening levels.  It was hard to imagine this type of improvement after all that I already have and yet the improvement is intoxicatingly there.  How is it possible that a single power chord can do this? 
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CalvinJ, Hi Cal, how many of the MC-0.5s have you tried?
Their effect are cumulative in my system.
I just got 4 more to get to an even dozen.
Unfortunately,  my system went down over a week ago and I have been
unable to report on adding 4 more.
Also unable  to repot further on my Pro Speaker cables.
Pro Speaker cables were far superior right out of the gate (and they look fantastic ;-) ) but i can't exactly tell more while using the tv cable box -music on demand. Bummer! D
Has anyone seen and/or tried the Surreal Acoustic Lens shown on the HFC website?  What is this thingabob doodad?  It looks as if it attaches to the dustcap or phase plug of a speaker driver but a paucity of other information.  I wonder how it would affect my single drivers.  Maybe I will give Rick a call next week to discuss it.  Thanks.
I read the article, thanks Romazicon, and it supports exactly what I have found in adding MC-0.5s to my system.  While adding them to the unused outlets of my URH power conditioner improves the sound, it makes a bigger difference when adding them to an unused wall outlet that also feeds the conditioner.  I now have 7 of them paralleled into that unused wall outlet using Home Depot AC splitters and plan to get some more shortly.  I just decided that with all of the HFC upgrades that I wanted to let them break in to see how far it goes before adding anything else, and I have not been disappointed.
Romazicon, The Pro PC should blow you away and I look forward to your sharing on it..

Thanks for linking us to this very well written article. I certainly agree with Jay's assessment. It was probably 15 pages back but I said that the Ultimate pc was incomparably better then the 1 pc.
In my experience, all Ultimate Cables are worlds better than their predecessors. Similarly, the Ultimate Reference line is worlds better then the Ultimate, the URH much better and the Pro's or another universe all together. All attributes Jay describes are enhanced even more profoundly with higher Upgrades.
MC-0.5s- I concur that, in a 2 channel system, the more MC-0.5s the better. I happen to be getting 4 more today to bring my total to 12, for now . Jay stated that you can't un-hear perfection. so I urge caution!
I told my self many times," I can't afford that" but after hearing the sound of perfection, I had no choice but to get them. Ricks cable are irresistibly superior. 

Thanks for posting the site for review on the HFC CT-1U and the MC-0.5s. Very interesting reading!
Thanks again, ddraudt.  I can't wait to hear how things improve as you get more hours on your Pro speaker cables.  My Pro power cord has shipped and I hope to receive it next week.  I am hoping for good things.

Here's a great review on the HFC CT-1U and the MC-0.5s that just came out today:

Romazicon, it is true that the magnetic permeation from the previous magnetic power cord should shorten that aspect of break in. I think it will start out sounding better than if a no magnetic pc was used before.
However, I believe that there are other factors of break-in that will take some time to arrive the most refined sound. You should enjoy the new power cord very soon and also get more as time goes by.

As far as what Pro piece has the greatest effect. I cannot say at this point as my speaker cables have under 100 hours on them and I do not think they are totally dialed in for 600 hours. Both PRO pieces improve the sound greatly in different areas of the process, so while they improve things is differently, the effects are simular .  I'm impressed with the musical changes brought on by power improvements and the pro has like 6 times the magnets of the URH pc. It seems to me that each improvement in any magnetic part brings better highs and lows, quieter background, more "real" and involving, more refined sound. As one would expect, the PRO series is a much bigger increase than previous levels. It appears that The PRO's have more that four times the magnets
which is a much bigger jump in magnet size than previous upgrades.
I think the PRO's started out as a "what If". What if we put an absurd amount of magnets in a power cord? speaker cable?
I think even HFC is surprised at the amount of sales on these unobtainables.
I went with a Pro PC first because it was less money than the Speaker cables and I though, at the time, that power cords made a bigger improvement than speaker cables. I think this is true with models before the PRO but the Pro's are a different animal. I'm still deciding which is best but enjoying music more than ever.
My new speaker cables are refining nicely!
Thanks for your advice, ddraudt.  I will try using the Pro cord between the wall and my Hemisphere first.  Since I already have a CT-1U at that position, will my break-in period be very long?

You obviously have an enviable collection of HFC cables and so I can appreciate why you would almost live in your listening room.  Which Pro cable made the biggest difference in your system, the Pro series power cord or speaker cables?
+1 on the XLR version of the magnetic adapters.  XLR cables are soooo expensive.
Romazicon. LAK, thanks for you comments on the magnetic adaptors!

I recall several folks asking about the adapters and it is good to see some response. I only use one set of interconnects and it's already a Pro.
So I don't think I need the adaptors.

But, I'm going to get 8 more Mc-0.5s when I have money again.
crazy good for the money!!!
Cheers D
Romazicon, I have 2 URH power cords and 2 PRO power cords.
The Pro's are better at everything but how to describe this..
Of coarse, each step up is more refined but the Pro's are a bigger increase than previous upgrades. In my experience, on my system,
the sense of "magic" increases dramatically. A uncanny feeling of being there at the show. Pro had better bass, more imaging, smoother highs,
more tone and involvement, ect.
About where to put the Pro power cord.
I would try it in different places but my guess would be going into the 
power distribution. or into the AMP. I may have cheated by having a Pro in both places so the power goes thru 8 MC-0.5s and 2 Pro PC before the amp.

Note: I have ALL waveguides on Starsound Brass "Audiopoints" instead of the rubber rings. I get more intimacy this way.
I actually have had ALL waveguides on Star Sound Technologies platforms and all components on Starsound Racks.
My new PRO speaker waveguides are so long (30 inches) that I will have to use two "Apprentice" platforms on either side. Or 2  Star Sound speaker stands per side. So just AUDIO points on speaker cable for now. The Pro speaker cable is a tube of super magnets with hook up wires at either end. ;-)
romazicon, Welcome to the HFC thread!
The Ultimate Spearer Cable, I recall it being a huge improvement over previous models, The first serious waveguide on speaker cables.
10 times better then the E speaker cables. from Ultimate up the Speaker cables improve dramatically with each version.
Rlawry, Yes, you are right that I seldom leave my listening room now that I have Pro Speaker, power and interconnects. 8 hours a day minimum listening time. (music is on now).
I would agree about the break in process you described. The Pro's start out way better than previous models and improve from there. The Pro Speaker Cables have gotten more refined in 5 days. From better than ever to even more involving and "real". I can hardly waite for next week, next month!! I am hearing more "back wall reflections" among other improvements.
rlawry, I currently am using RCA magnetic adapters (both source and destination) along with my CT-1UR interconnects and they provide a clear improvement.  They do look odd and will extend the rear clearance necessary for the components you plug them into but they seem to provide at least the equivalent benefit of 2-3 MC-0.5s.
Hi, new to this thread but not new to HFC.  I own a CT-1U from my wall to my MC-6 Hemisphere and then a CT-1UR Helix from my Hemisphere to my Chord DAVE DAC.  I own 3 other CT-1 power cords for other ancillary gear including an SACD transport and microRendu music server and all components benefit but my Chord DAVE DAC is my most important digital component by far.  I also own CT-1UR RCA interconnects and most recently, I upgraded to CT-1U speaker cables and I was especially impressed by how much difference the speaker cables made, maybe more difference than the other HFC gear I have.  I'm not sure if this experience is shared by others.

I just pulled the trigger on a Pro series power cord although I'm not entirely sure what to expect given that the speaker cables so far has provided the biggest difference.  Can anyone share how much improvement I might notice with the Pro series power cords over something like the CT-1UR Helix?  Would it be best to use it to feed my Hemisphere so that everything that I have plugged into my Hemisphere benefits?  Would this essentially give me the equivalent of a UR Helix power conditioner?  Or should I use this Pro series power cord for my DAC and use my CT-UR Helix to feed my Hemisphere?  Thanks in advance for your input.
Ddraudt, with the changes I heard in my system when upgrading from Ultimate to Ultimate Reference speaker cables, I can only imagine going from UR to Pro.  Probably a good thing I can't afford them as my wife would never get me out of the listening room.  Let us know how the sound changes as they break in.  I find HFC products to initially sound lean, quick, airy, and detailed to slowly become warmer, more immediate and dimensional with a great sense of ease and improved bass.
Pro Speaker Cables- first impression, I love them!
I finally went "ALL-IN" and gifted myself with a pair of Pro Speaker Cables. Something I've been dreaming about but thought I'd never do. I'm very glad I did.
I was using my Ultimate Reference Speaker cables prior to this.
Within 5 hours of listening The PRO's were obvious winners!!!
The changes were more dramatic that just a much better sound.
A new perceptual experience!
Pro's have a unique sound envelope projection I've never witnessed before. A stage opens before me.
It is exciting to know the Pros will improve for months. After one day they are profound. Richer, fuller tones and the air is ethereal, increased effortlessness and ease of involvement. Shockingly real.
I have several folks over to listen. Friends very familiar with my system.
All could very easily hear the vast improvement...
 Here are some Quotes:
"This is really quite remarkable", "Fabulous", "Much Superior",
"Uncanny Realism" "Sublime", "WOW" and some explatives that could not be repeated. A friend of mine has been reporting major increases in performance as the weeks go by with his Pro Speaker Cables.
They are amazing after 2 days !!!!!!! ;-) ;-) D
Yep, HFC prices are not for the weak and faint-hearted.  Once you hear what they can do you will of course think they are worth it. The XLR's I believe have 3 signal conductors so that might explain the price increase over unbalanced cables.

On another note, has anyone tried adding the magnetic adapters to their HFC cables, either upstream or downstream?  Just wondering whether it makes a worthwhile difference.
I would wonder if anybody have a chance to try out the new HF XLR balanced interconnects.  Since they came out I have not heard a single person mentioning to make a move toward these XLR cables.  They are priced quite expensive for a 1M pair of CT-1U XLR at $7K+ and outrageously $20K+ for a 1M CT-1UR Helix XLR...Wow!
I think there is use for loom and will continue to use it. I have always found that using the same manufacturer's signal and speaker wire. This is especially the case with the HFCables
brownie1946, I don't like the work "Rhythm" because it has no vowels
I think even audiophiles misuse audio terms all the time.
Perhaps it's time for us to revisit the audio terms list.