High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ?

The last 20 years as an audiophile and now a dealer has taught me a very important lesson. Everything matters. The equipment can be great but no matter how much you spend the matching is very important. The cabling is also important. Some think cabling is all about making it sound better. I prefer my cabling to not get in the way. It’s like it can’t be a clogged faucet for your sound.  Materials and shielding are very important. In addition to that the room is very important. You may not have a perfect room but you build your system to work in the room you have. I don’t have all the answers but you can’t just spend money and have a great system. Combination of equipment, cabling and room has gotten me there. I’ve tried a lot of gear and cables and this is how I feel. What are your thoughts everyone? 


Showing 4 responses by jl35

@mahgister building a very good system under $1000 is easier than ever these days...I’ve put together quite a few for myself, family and friends...and   +1 gr


you make lots of good points, and I'm sure you have done a remarkable job with your components and room...

The room has a significant effect on sound. This has been known a long long time, nothing new here. We all have different rooms, and different amounts of control as to what we can do with room acoustics. Regardless, we can always get good sound in any room, even at low cost. Some speakers are less sensitive to placement and give more/different options. Hopefully we are all enjoying the music on our various systems...

+1 ghd. Everything matters. Irrelevant which is declared most important. Get the best equipment you can, matched the best you can, set up the best you can. And enjoy