High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ?

The last 20 years as an audiophile and now a dealer has taught me a very important lesson. Everything matters. The equipment can be great but no matter how much you spend the matching is very important. The cabling is also important. Some think cabling is all about making it sound better. I prefer my cabling to not get in the way. It’s like it can’t be a clogged faucet for your sound.  Materials and shielding are very important. In addition to that the room is very important. You may not have a perfect room but you build your system to work in the room you have. I don’t have all the answers but you can’t just spend money and have a great system. Combination of equipment, cabling and room has gotten me there. I’ve tried a lot of gear and cables and this is how I feel. What are your thoughts everyone? 


Showing 4 responses by deep_333

@erik_squires but some can’t do anything about the room. You can still have great sound to me. You have to get equipment matching and cabling to help you in my opinion. But if you can fix the room. That helps a lot.

Right...the guy with the crappy room should keep buying cables to try and fix his disgruntlement and the crap he hears ( Hopefully, he will keep buying cables from you). It’s all the cable’s fault.

It is all equipment matching faults too, apparently... (Hopefully, he will also keep buying equipment from you that’s more & more & more "matching"). Also, the more & more & more expensive it gets, more & more & more synergistic matching magic occurs, right? O’ grand matchmaker?

deep_333 i don’t know what you read but that’s not how I interpreted his last post. Room matters a lot, if you can’t fix the room you have to work with what you have. Getting components that play well together would probably sound better in a suboptimal room than components that don’t. If you have a room with a lot of hard surfaces buying components that are on the warm side might be better than something neutral or revealing.

@jastralfu , When a guy has a suboptimal room, his focus should be to get components that play well in a suboptimal room.

For example, there are some fairly advanced speaker designs that play better in a crap room...beam forming, well controlled vertical dispersion, directivity, etc, Perlisten is one name that comes to mind.

Subwoofers, for example, are some of the best/surgical "room treatment" devices (similar to tuned resonators) one can deploy. By placing even a couple high waf/non-intrusive micro subs like the KEF KC62, hidden away, a guy can completely nullify some awful room modes he may otherwise never be able to get rid off. If instead, he put a "full range" magico in there and called it a day! (no subs), all he’ll hear is some lumpalicious crap.

For example, an amp like Yamaha’s R-N2000A offers some light/non-heavy handed rsc (reflective sound control) filters if you so choose to deploy it, defeat it, match your speakers, etc,

A guy can have very audiophile gear, but, the choice of such gear would be very different for a sht room. The "dealer" would rarely tell you that...he may be all about "matching" expensive crap with other expensive crap and constantly capitalizing on the poor dude’s constant disgruntlement.

The focus should be on matching/marrying things to the room. Of course, plenty more purist audiophile options (to explore different flavors) open up for a good room...not so much for a crap room.



he just likes to come on anything I post with negativity. That’s just who he is unfortunately 

Negativity?...I gave you compliments on this one. I referred to you as the "grand matchmaker" (of components)...Here's more to cheer you up...the sweet prince of synergy...the grand druid of cables... Valiant dispeller of veiled sound..... etc..😂 


There is a  false marketing tactic on the rise from the dealers these days. Dealer sez, "Hey, unsatisfied/disgruntled audiophile, I'll take the guesswork out of everything for ya. I will create the synergy of components for ya. You go plop it down in your room and magic just starts to flow like the Niagra. Just remember, that's the greatest perk of going to the knowledgeable dealer!!"

Really?? Let us explore that lie for a minute...How the flip did he create that "synergy" for ya again?? He put together a mix of components for a specific "synergy" that worked in his room! You take that synergistic wonder and plop it down in your room and it sounds nothing like what he heard in his room. His tastes are very different from yours. So ...even if he genuinely tried to build a synergistic rig for you, it will be way off in your room for your ears. 

Most often, his "synergistic build" is a list of sht that he either finds very hard to move (rarely sells) or some other sweet saucy deal he's got going with specific vendors. It is just business most of the time. Even if he forgot about maximizing his wallet for a minute and made a genuine effort to build a rig for you, he will be way off (in execution).