High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ?

The last 20 years as an audiophile and now a dealer has taught me a very important lesson. Everything matters. The equipment can be great but no matter how much you spend the matching is very important. The cabling is also important. Some think cabling is all about making it sound better. I prefer my cabling to not get in the way. It’s like it can’t be a clogged faucet for your sound.  Materials and shielding are very important. In addition to that the room is very important. You may not have a perfect room but you build your system to work in the room you have. I don’t have all the answers but you can’t just spend money and have a great system. Combination of equipment, cabling and room has gotten me there. I’ve tried a lot of gear and cables and this is how I feel. What are your thoughts everyone? 


Showing 1 response by curiousjim


As I’m sitting here reading all this, my mind wondered to room treatments.  Have you measured out the first reflection points on your front wall and ceiling?  I to have a doorway next to a speaker and it noticeably messes up the sound, but I covered up my fireplace and put a 2’x4’ absorbing panel above it and for the other side, I bought one of those cheap folding walls and tossed a comforter over it. I have to take it down when company comes, but that’s easy enough. The only thing I haven’t been given permission for, is to put panels on the ceiling,  but I’m thinking you might have to really consider it. Oh, and those smaller corner bass traps, do help a bit. ( but once again, they were not wife approved here.)

All the best.