High end CD player paired with High end processor

I just demo'd a Krell HTS 7.1. Very nice 2ch audio. I was using a very low end cd player at the time. Would adding a Krell CD player of that same level (KAV300CD) be an over kill?

Would I hear the difference?

The rest of the set is: Aragon 8008 MkII, ML SL3's.

I am new to how good better equipment sounds. So forgive the dumb questions. Working off a limited budget and don't want to spend money on a piece of equipment I wont be able to tell the difference with.

also, using balanced connects between the HTS and the amp.

entry level coax cable (digital out) from the cd player to the HTS.


Showing 1 response by mechans

I too had Aragon amps and could quite easily hear the difference good CD players made in the overall sound quality. I would still be cautious in your case and buy a CD player whose DAC you like and not go crazy spending. If you can get a lightly used, well liked, high end player that is towards the entry level of that brand -try it out.