Multiple pieces of kit, multiple fuse direction tests, HFT or SR, I've found after much flipping on a good fidelity test track, each of these fuses, regardless of brand or label direction, seem to have commonality. One way, more bass and mid-bass, less detail, less "air" or "3D". The other way, less mid-bass, extended very low frequency ranges, with much more "3D" and "air". After coffee, screwdrivers, fuse direction flipping on a test track "you are too beautiful" by Jimmy Ponder, 30 seconds in, there is this chime swoop which is great for testing the details in these sound profiles - I've opted for the '3D' direction.
Cognitive dissonance from the label or currency flow relative to results, once that is out of the way, this seems to clear the way for ultimately what is the right fuse direction.
I realize many here are past this, I'm late to the game, but beyond any sound improvement, hugely interesting.