HiFi Tuning Supreme 3 on Bryston BP-26

This one has me truly perplexed and can't seen to find the answer searching the plentiful threads on audio fuses. I'm somewhat new to fuses, installed a SR Purple in my DAC - got the right orientation from following the circuit trace - whamo, great sound after a few days. Ditto with my McIntosh preamp, used an SR Black in the power input section with fuse facing the cap - check, ok. Then I ordered some Cardas copper HiFi Tuning for a few more pieces. I used one in the McIntosh pre, only this time on the main board itself leading to the 5v regulator - seems ok, again on a Marantz preamp, follow the trace from the service manual, and decent uplift in sound. Now it leads me to the one I ordered for a Bryston BP-26 preamp I have in my kitchen. On the HFT Supreme 3 it appears to be directional by the diode logo arrow, when I install it with the arrow pointing with the power flow, I get a warmer sound, mid-bass bit less detail. I flip it around with the arrow pointing against the current flow, I get more details, less bass.

I've flipped it 20x trying to figure out which is best, wondering which would burn in the best over time. It's brought me to strange places - was the fuse mis-labeled? Does this arrow matter or is it just a logo? Does incorrect orientation lend itself to this higher detail sound profile? SR gives me detail the 'correct' way and bass usually comes with settling in. Are HiFi Tuning Supreme 3's not directional but up to the user to determine which profile is preferable or would it be the warmer direction is the correct direction per the arrow, and it will open up the details after some time?

This is a truly interesting scenario. I guess it does one thing, which totally disproves the nay-sayers on fuses, the sound changes each time!


Showing 2 responses by rickysnit

Well, cost for starters. Really looks like these tweaks are in demand, used too - for common amperage values, unfortunately the older SRs tend to be sold out - maybe the used route for more Synergistic Research is the way to go, but interesting directional situation on HFT. Just wondering if others have any trick or advise on the diode logo direction - or if it's just that, a logo.

Multiple pieces of kit, multiple fuse direction tests, HFT or SR, I've found after much flipping on a good fidelity test track, each of these fuses, regardless of brand or label direction, seem to have commonality. One way, more bass and mid-bass, less detail, less "air" or "3D". The other way, less mid-bass, extended very low frequency ranges, with much more "3D" and "air". After coffee, screwdrivers, fuse direction flipping on a test track "you are too beautiful" by Jimmy Ponder, 30 seconds in, there is this chime swoop which is great for testing the details in these sound profiles - I've opted for the '3D' direction.

Cognitive dissonance from the label or currency flow relative to results, once that is out of the way, this seems to clear the way for ultimately what is the right fuse direction.

I realize many here are past this, I'm late to the game, but beyond any sound improvement, hugely interesting.