Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects

Anyone have direct experience comparing the 2 brands?
bigkidz, The AT cables for me were very veiled and I just don't like cables that are rolled off at the top and bottom. In my opinion a much better comparison would be the HD versus the HF cables because they are both excellent cables. When I say I tried some second tier cables by HD I really mean the HD cables that are second from the top. I tried the P3 power cable and could have easily lived with that power cable but at 3 times the money the P4 is the best power cable I have heard and it should be at 3 times the money. The D7 and D8 speaker cables are both excellent but for some reason the D8 speaker cables just take my system to another level. I have had a couple of different RCA interconnects but I am now XLR 3 throughout. For me I hate spending stupid expensive money on cables and I personally think HD cables are great value even on their top models. I cannot give you any recommendation because I have no idea what your system consist of, I only know what I hear in my system.
I would suggest you find what is missing from your system and contact both HD and HF for their recommendation.
Anyone have heard the improved HD digital ref RCA in their system? IME, the HF CT1E digital is a much better fit (better imaging, more airy) than the mid 2013 model of the HD digital ref, it beats also my Tara Labs ISM Onboard Digital 0.8 XLR in terms of resolution. I need another digital RCA for my system and would like to hear other opinions/suggestion before investing more in HF.
Ok some initial impressions of Hidiamond XLR 3.
I also had the High Fidelity CT-1U for about 900 hours before getting HD.

Last 6 months ICs I used by order: HiDiamond 8 RCA > JPS SC3 XLR > Gabriel Gold reflection V2 RCA > High Fidelity CT-1 > CT-1U > Hidiamond 9 RCA > Hidiamond XLR3

My DAC is exactly same as a member Hifial here (exaSound e20 mkIII .082ps clock)
amps: emotiva XPA-1 monoblocks
speakers: Magnepan 3.6R with custom crossover + 2 REL subs in stereo config.

XLR3's sound is very natural and smooth yet very resolving. Probably second most resolving cable I've had so far. First is still the CT-1U.
Harmonically very rich and cable strikes good balance between analytical vs musicality. Mids are quite dense and lush. I can't stop listening to any of the music with a vocal in it.
Sound-stage is very good. Width and depth portrayed very convincingly without hollow spots at 10 and 2oclock position, height pretty good too. Timbre is spot on.
(I played violin, viola and piano for 20 years)
There is one test track I use extensively to check the transient speed.. HiDiamond is slightly slower than High Fidelity CT-1U in this regard. However CT-1U was slightly leaner sounding in my system.
Overall I really like the HD XLR 3! HiDiamond and High Fidelity are both great cable companies. I must've went through at least 20 different IC manufacturers before and they are among the very best.

I am a long time user and admirer of Rick's cables; including several Virtual models to the CT-1 and CT-1E ic's and speaker cable. A friend introduced me to the CT-1 about a year ago. The cables helped transform his system into a musically accurate representation of the venue. I had not ever heard reproduced organ sound this real. I purchased a used pair of CT-1 ic's, which improved my systems overall performance; most notably, bottom end, inner detail and imaging.
My friend's system required balanced ic's, bringing him to try Hidiamond cables. He went for a full loom, including P4 power cables, D3 balanced ic's, and D8 speaker cables.
While his cables were breaking in I auditioned a CT-1E speaker cable. I experienced gain issues, so Rick shipped a high gain version. It worked noticeably better, with great frequency extension, detail, staging, and tonal accuracy, with the quietest background I had heard; but the system lacked impact, density, and most importantly...musical involvement. I still felt wanting.
I eventually went all Hidiamond, except for one CT-1 ic from preamp to amp. It is hard to describe, only to say I have gone weeks without wanting to make any changes. For me that is a revelation. My system has never been more musically involving, with no lack of detail. Front to back, and side to side imaging has created a layered 3D effect producing the illusion of an instrument's full weight and body. The speakers disappear.
I need to emphasize that this is in my system in my room. I do not suggest this cable, or any cable is the be-all-end-all of cabling. From the threads expressing success with High Fidelity one would think no need to look further, but fortunately I did...and so far I am once again caught up in the music.
Siddh, it really a surprise to me ,I thought I'm alone who did that, I also have full loom of high diamond P4 pc, D8 sc, xlr 3, it sound very satisfying,
I also have HF ct1 , ct1 e, ct1 u RCA , and ct1 SC, with full loom it sound very nice too,but I prefer High diamond as they are more involving, but after test and trial, at the end I've all high diamond and one hi fidelity ct1u between my pre to amp , which I thought it was the best sounding for my system, the sound quality is superb .