Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects

Anyone have direct experience comparing the 2 brands?

Showing 6 responses by paz307

After swearing I would not be trying anymore cables I did try the High Fidelity RCA interconnects CT1 E and this was my conclusion.

I think sound can be very system dependent and when I compared the High Fidelity cable to the exact same priced HiDiamond cable, the HiDiamond cables were much better in my system. In my system the micro detail was much more life like with a sense of air that is not there with any other cable I have tried. The HiDiamond cables sound more analogue to me, will the HF cables sounded more analytical which for some people that is exactly what they prefer. The great thing is there really is no right or wrong but instead what works best in our own system. The HiDiamond D8 speaker cables give me that last octave and real energy but to be honest I have not ever heard the High Fidelity speaker cables only their RCA interconnects. The game changer for me is when I combined all HiDiamond cables with the HiDiamond P4 power cables which is not available currently by HF. I like that HiDiamond is not testing their technology but rather has perfected their technology. I
think what is most important is that there are now real game changer cable manufacturers available for people that enjoy taking their system
to the next level
I would first like to start by saying that my reference for sound is not my home audio system but rather my reference is from playing musical instruments like the acoustic guitar and piano for the past 30 years. I also enjoy small intimate live jazz bands that I try to attend every month in Florida. In my opinion all great singers and musicians have the ability to suck you in to their performances by allowing you to be emotionally connected to them and in my system that is exactly what the HD cables do. The HF cables that I tested were fully broken in and did sound very good on my system but I definitely found that the HF cables lack some emotion compared to HD cables: some people would describe this sound as thin. As I said previously; it is really great to see cables that bring this great hobby to another level and in my system I just prefer the emotion of the HD cables over the HF cables. The break in on my HD cables was also very long but right out
of the box HD cables portray the emotion of the artist and venue. I do not want to say my home system sounds the exact same as a live performance but with the HD cables it is as close as I have heard it and no other cable that I have owned or tried has ever had the ability to do that to my system.
I would say after 30 plus years of playing in this great hobby, my system is also very resolving and bordering on live sounding. With my DCS front end and Pass Labs combined I need a very phase coherent cable that has no tendencies at all and that is where all other cables have failed in my system. I also tried the D7 speakers cables and at $1300 for a 2 meter set I thought they were very good sounding but the D8 speaker cables are a complete different level; not sure why. I also run a full loom of HD cables and have P4 power cables throughout the system rather than mixing and matching cables. I did have some of the second tier cables by HD and thought they were very good for the money but the HD top cables are a complete different level than their second tier cables, as I assume this is true with other top cable manufacturers. I am not sure what HFC speaker cables cost but at $2300 the D8 is the best speaker cable I have heard in my system over the last
30 years with a bass energy that takes my speakers down a full octave. The P4 power cables also are the best I have heard and at $1800 they cost almost 1/3 of the cost of my previous power cables. I did find adding the P4 to complete the loom made a huge difference with the overall sound because other power cables that I tried with the HD speaker cables and interconnects were getting exposed. I not saying what you heard in your system was not what you heard but now that I am using the top HD cables and P4 power cables combined, the real emotion is there and with other cables is was only close.
I totally agree that disconnecting any cable can really hurt the sound of that cable for many hours after reconnection and perhaps even more so on the HFC because of their design but I do not understand how any cables hooked up after you take the HF cables off would benefit; could you please explain?
HF interconnects CT1 E was the model I tried and the cable was fully broken in. I would first like to start by saying the HF cable was very good but in my system which can be very detailed to start with, the top HD cables brought out the emotion better than the HF cables. What I really like about this tread is that no one is trashing each other but instead just explaining what the differences were that they heard in their system. I did not try the HF speaker cables because for me the D8 speaker cables are simply stunning in every aspect. I did compare the D8 speaker cables to several other brands of top speaker cables when I first bought them, some costing 2-3 as more and the D8 are the best I have ever heard in my system. It was the combo of the top HD cables that took my system to the next level not just 1 cable. My experience was very similar to Noom, finding that the P4 power cables are simply another level compared to any power cable I have had in
my system and same goes with the D8 speaker cables and XLR3 interconnects but in my opinion this will be system dependent. In my system the best way to describe the difference is that the HF cables lean towards the analytical side and the HD cables lean more toward the analogue side.
Bigkidz, I have owned the exact Audio Tekne interconnects that you currently own and you are correct they do lack in the upper frequencies as well as the very last octave. I also felt the same way in regards to your description of the HF cables. Either your ears or system is similar to mine and my suggestion for an emotional experience try HD cables. It doesn't mean HF cables are bad but perhaps just not right for your system.
bigkidz, The AT cables for me were very veiled and I just don't like cables that are rolled off at the top and bottom. In my opinion a much better comparison would be the HD versus the HF cables because they are both excellent cables. When I say I tried some second tier cables by HD I really mean the HD cables that are second from the top. I tried the P3 power cable and could have easily lived with that power cable but at 3 times the money the P4 is the best power cable I have heard and it should be at 3 times the money. The D7 and D8 speaker cables are both excellent but for some reason the D8 speaker cables just take my system to another level. I have had a couple of different RCA interconnects but I am now XLR 3 throughout. For me I hate spending stupid expensive money on cables and I personally think HD cables are great value even on their top models. I cannot give you any recommendation because I have no idea what your system consist of, I only know what I hear in my system.
I would suggest you find what is missing from your system and contact both HD and HF for their recommendation.