HiDef streaming troubles

Anybody have trouble streaming hi-def? For me, streaming HiDef from both Qobuz and Primephonic is iffy at best, and it's getting worse by the day. I can stream CD quality with no issues but when I try to go above it, more often than not I just get silence, even though the worm does crawl happily across the screen.  As of today, my luck has gone from 50% to a solid Zero. Anybody have this trouble? Qobuz denies any problem with their transmission.  Quobuz declared my streaming ability fine, as well. Mytek checked out my Brooklyn BB and said it ran perfectly. I stream via Ethernet, too, not that who-knows-what WiFi stuff.

Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

It sounds like your download speeds aren't up to snuff.
Have you tried https://www.speedtest.net/?

+1 for rebooting your router.
I just recalled an issue I had with Verizon Fios a couple of years ago.
My internet would just drop without warning, intermittently.
They came and swapped out equipment, cabling for almost a year, until one service tech remembered another customer with the same issue.
It turned out there was something at the Verizon hub that needed to be reset.
If possible, try to talk to customer service and see if they can look deeper into the system.