Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?

Browse the listings for power amplifiers (e.g. under $5K) and you notice a myriad of Classe, Parasound, Bryston, older McIntosh and Mark Levinson and lots of Pass Labs.
So many in fact that you wonder why.
What are the true audiophile gems in the pre-owned solid state market? Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by wrm57

Reference Line Audio Silver Signature. Owned one for 20 years and it's still the best solid state amp I've heard.


I’d heard his amps were great too. I cannot find anything about the owner of the company... it’s like he vanished. Did he die?

Ralph Catino is still around, living in the Boston area last time I heard from him, which was maybe three years ago. He left the audio biz long ago, having passed the brand on to Scott Nixon in North Carolina, who continued to service the products and perhaps still does. I bought the last amp Ralph built. We developed a solid phone friendship that persisted for many years. Brilliant, interesting guy who was obsessed for a time with making the best amp he could.