Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

If it's 'normal' people, I won't fire the system up. I wouldn't even if my wife asked. It's just a waste. The great unwashed just don't get it. Your wife probably asked because she's hoping that these comments will 'help' you give up the hobby. The only folks I let listen to my rig are my immediate family and audiophile friends. The former think it sounds as good as a sony boombox, the latter think it's as good as they've heard. Go figure.
I do it for myself, no one else. So I'm crazy, so what.
