Hi end audio equip sounds better today than in decades past due to tech - T/F

I am in a hi-end audio store today, speaking with the owner, who has been in the audio business for almost 40 yrs. Super nice guy. Can talk up a storm - but as a good thing... where someone like me can learn a thing or two.

He said something that I found curious... audio equipment (pres, amps, rcvrs, speakers) sound better today than just 20 years ago, b/c ’they didn’t have the same technology back then we have today'. Why? Better materials, better components, better r/d... the stuff just sounds better in today’s world, he is telling me.

Coming from someone who doesn’t know any better.... is there any truth to this?

Showing 1 response by mashif


I’ll nominate my 1978 JBL 4311wxa vintage control monitors. They have a unique design unlike most. The concentric layout of the drivers, the midrange driver wired in reverse polarity, and the simple crossover result in a harmonically rich sound that is well balanced in all ranges. Having no inductors to choke off the output, each driver follows it's natural roll-off and is complemented by the next driver that was specifically designed to follow it. The volume controls on the mids and tweets allow a wide range of settings that result in a flat response, allowing you to tune precisely to the room or even to the recording. The Aquaplas coating on the woofer and accordian surround maintain the ideal stiffness, while the mid driver diaphragm is impregnated with a coating as well. The tweeter has limited high end extension, but is flat to 15k. I don’t think I’d notice if it was higher.

I am always looking for speakers that sound better. While I haven’t heard super high end audiophile speakers, no speaker under $5k comes close, which is about what they would cost today.