Hi, does anybody own the new tyler acoustics D10's

I'm interested in buying these speakers but I was hoping for some feedback from D10 owners.I've owned B&W N804, N802,LEGACY FOCUS 20/20s
No, but I heard them a few weeks ago at Ty's business. He had them side by side with D2's so I was lucky to able to compare both. The D10's are extremely good and one of the best speakers I have heard. I like them better than his Woodmeres. The Woodmeres are fantastic and I have always admired what a big speaker can do and the dynamics they possess. To be honest, I have listened to the 804 and 802's at a local dealer here in Lexington and the D10's sound so much better. Personally I dont care for B&W because I think they sound dry and uninvolving. I just dont see what the fuss is and I am sorry if I offend any B&W owners. I dont say this because I know Ty and own his speakers but I have had the luxury of hearing his line of speakers thru the years and alot of his trade-ins for comparison. His new line to my ears do everything well. Bass, soundstaging, imaging, focus, transparency, extension, etc...I have not heard the Legacys but I dont think you can go wrong with the D10's. Oh almost forgot, I did hear his D20's which are not released yet :)
Thanks Samzx12,

I appreciate your feedback my first choice was the D20':However, I am considering to purchase the top of the line instead. How do the D20's sound compared to the D10's?

My plan is to attend the show in Vegas next year so that I can listen for my self:However, your feedback would be helpful thank you.
I didn't get to hear them for too long but as one would think the bass went a little deeper. Personally I think you would be more than satisfied with the D10's. They were side by side with the D2's and while the D2's sounded wonderful the D10's were in a different league as they should be. I really really liked the D10's.
I've had mine for five months now and they are finally broken-in.Ty suggests at least 200+ hrs. for them to settle in.They do require a fairley large room to do them justice.As far as how they sound,in one word,spectacular.Bass is tight and deep,mids are clean and clear and the highs are very extended without any glare or brightness.Overall a very musical speaker providing the rest of your gear is up to the task as they are quite revealing and true to the source.IMHO you won't a better performer for that kind of money.Hope this helps.