Herron VTPH-2A discontinued

I came across a post recently http://www.vpiforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19187
and confirmed it through the Herron website.  Bummer.  

Showing 2 responses by scm

I have the Herron vtph-1 mc plus.
I`ve often considered moving to the VTPH2.
I don`t see myself going back to a MM so I figured why spend money on features that are baked in to the design (for an additional cost) that I`ll never use.
Keith put blue LED`s in it for me when I asked if he could do that for me ! 

I left all the tubes stock except for a vintage Telefunken 12AU7 that I harvested from a C-20 years ago that has a painted green tip that from what I gather means low noise.
Mine sounds very nice.