Herron Audio VTPH-2A - Modwright PH 9.0X - Icon audio ps1 mkii

Hi Everyone, I’ve heard great things about the Herron but notice it’s discontinued on the website. I’ve reached out to Keith to inquire but my other choices are the Modwright PH9.0x and Icon PS3 MK II. Has anyone compared these. I have had great experience with Dan and his mod of my Pioneer LX500. I appreciate any insights.



Showing 6 responses by audiosaurusrex

@thiefoflight Thanks for your insight. I just received mine. Packed meticulously, Rock Solid, Art and Engineering Excellence! I can't wait to hook it up.

@thiefoflight I went for the X and have some Siemens E188CC/7308 side aside to try. I was thinking about the fuse. Did you get the new SR Purple?

@thiefoflight Yes I had the 1amp blue in my old phonostage and liked it alot, unfortunately the 9.0x uses the 3amp. I'm gonna wait a bit but I'll do something at some point.

Received the Modwright PH9.0X yesterday. Meticulously Packed, Rock Solid Construction and just gorgeous! Art and Engineering at it's finest. Or as Modwright puts it, Elegance, Simplicity, Truth! Installed tubes, I went right for the Siemens E188CC/7308 gold pins which I had on hand. Noticed a bit of a smell upon power up, not that new car smell 🤔   Currently have my AT-ART9XA on the table so I set the load to 100ohm no gain. Gonna switch out to the Umami Red which I haven't even tried yet. First album for me had to be "The Nightfly", then "Natty Dread". Stunning clarity and soundstage with air around the instruments. So I was wondering how this would compare with my SPL Phonos which I thought was outstanding. The 9.0X seems to have improved clarity and depth. The phonos was extremely quiet but the 9.0X is seemingly bottomless with nuances in the music I did not hear with the Phonos. Just spun 2 albums but we'll see how it improves over time. Hope the smell is nothing I need to be concerned about.

@thiefoflight Is the 3.14amp fuse the correct one for the 9.0x? I’m assuming that the power supply being rated at 3amp, that would be the right one. Just making sure.

I contacted Keith from Herron and he is no longer making the VTPH-2A. Scarcity of parts and he's gearing for retirement at 71. He said he's still producing a run of the VTSP/3A. Great man, I wish him well. So that strikes that one off the list. One of my dealers suggested Musical Surroundings Nova III as a good phonostage. Does anyone have any experience with this?