Herbie's mat with NAD 533

My NAD 533 with Goldring Elektra (with new Goldring stylus) is begging for a "tweak." Will the Herbie's "Way Excellent II" mat offer an improvement over the stock felt mat ? If so, what thickness for the Herbie's.....2 mm. or 3 mm. ? My stock felt mat is about 2.5 mm thick.

Showing 1 response by musicdoc

FWIW if i had a 533 i would give serious consideration to the $59 acrylic platter currently offered on this site (no affiliation whatsoever). no mat needed, LP directly onto the acrylic AFAIK, so it takes that variable out of the equation. after that, i would consider some step-wise mods/tweaks of the rega arm. my $0.02

you could request a trial from the seller. never hurts to ask...