I don't know, to me music is music.--You like a piece/ or you don't. The Rachmaninoff piano 2 in c by Herbie with Alixis Weisnberg gives me goose bumps like no other version. You are welcome to take exception to my candor as it were. I never implied it was ok for Joseph to kill 25 million. To me one, is one to many. Man just happens to be a nasty beast. Wern't none of it my fault. I do know from history that in many other world locations besides Russia and Europe,that when this thing goes on, either nobody knows in time, or nobody can stop it soon enough. My father along with many many others, gave his life in WW2 to try to make the world right. BUT, as we know, man is man--it never ends. I think if we knew everything about everybody, we might might have fewer choices in music and everything else. And, don't blame me for the Woody quote.--It IS from one of his movies. I'm not quite as insensitive as these comments may make me appear. I know every deceased person was somebody's Mother,father, son, daughter,brother,etc. I also think in terms of how many scientists, future world leaders were lost forever. Their contributions never to be counted. Also, most go off to war without much of a choice. So this also applies to the casualties for both sides.