Hendrix 50th Anniversary Electric Ladyland Box Release

Looking forward to release tomorrow. In my humble opinion one of the greatest albums ever. Imagine hearing this album when it was released, Compositionally and technically from another time and place, truly ground breaking. Thanks Jimi!!!!!!!

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I had the original euro version with the far more interesting cover. No idea where that album went, but having seen the Hendrix Experience in 1967 and meeting Jimi in ’69 (Mitch stopped by a club we were playing in ’69 and sat in with us...an astonishing drummer), I was and am a lifelong fan.
It's not, to paraphrase Zappa, a "pushup contest." Simply ask any great living guitar player about Hendrix and they'll likely note that nobody played like that...astonishing technique and feel that was really all Jimi, and there were simply very few around back then as dedicated to playing as he was. I think Gatton was clearly on another planet and a true genius, and am a fan of his playing as well as many others from Joe Pass to Julian Lage...it's the soul that comes through the great guitar players that matters most, and Jimi had that...I was recently listening to a vinyl copy of Jeff Beck's "Loud Hailer"...there's a guy who's chops haven't rested.