Helping friends and relatives buy an audio system...

This is one thing I have had the good fortune of helping family and friends buy a stereo/music system with very positive results.  I did not have one that went bad or caused concerns.  This went from something as simply as a used KLH compact system for a relative to some relative high end systems with Magnepan, Martin Logan, ARC, Adcom...and more.

As time has passed I am no longer sure this is a very wise thing to do.  I have not done this for some time and am curious to what + or - experiences you have had in helping others with an audio system?   I am sure there are many stories out there. 


Showing 2 responses by whatjd

facten That was extremely gracious and kind hearted of you. Thank you for being an Audiophile and a human being.

In my heyday I had a business in Madison, Wi. and was part of a program that had jobs for people recovering from mental illness...usually caused by childhood abuse. I did something like you when I helped my sister start a business and supplied her with some inventory at no cost and the money she was to pay me for helping her I simply told her not to pay me.

I helped save some people after Hurricane Camille (Biloxi) and the Rapid City Flood....both were awful and the death and destruction made my 19 year old brain suffer with the citizens of those towns.

Even with money, travel, cars, hi-fi and more material things,..nothing has done as much for my happiness as helping those that needed the help with no thought of strings attached.

Take care.  
Being into esoteric audio gear is much like the world of sports cars...some feel a Ferrari or Porsche may be a sports car while others feel  a Camaro or Mustang is a sports car....and some feel going out to eat is the best locally owned supper club and others feel it is the drive-up at McDonalds.  To each him or her own.