Helping friends and relatives buy an audio system...

This is one thing I have had the good fortune of helping family and friends buy a stereo/music system with very positive results.  I did not have one that went bad or caused concerns.  This went from something as simply as a used KLH compact system for a relative to some relative high end systems with Magnepan, Martin Logan, ARC, Adcom...and more.

As time has passed I am no longer sure this is a very wise thing to do.  I have not done this for some time and am curious to what + or - experiences you have had in helping others with an audio system?   I am sure there are many stories out there. 


Showing 1 response by pch300

I helped my folks get their first real audio system, after they heard my stuff. Advised some friends here and there. But most people are not interested in great sound, just adequate sound with lots of convenience.

Once in a while someone, like a neighbor or a co-worker comes by, hears my system, then comment on the beauty of the sound but does not go much farther such as taking action. Audio hobby seems like a niche interest.