Helping a friend put together a sub-$1000 system

She's looking for a 2-channel setup with CD as the only source. Speakers will be monitors for a Manhattan apartment.

She listens primarily to more subdued rock and acoustic stuff, with a good amount of jazz and classical music.

She's OK with buying used. I suggested she listen to a NAD C320BEE with Vandersteen speakers as per the recommendations in this thread:

$1000 is the limit. Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by ellery911

sounds like you have made some good recommendations...I was one of the posters in that thread...why not just finish it off with a NAD cd player some cheap AQ interconnects & speaker cable & you'll be in under your $1000 mark. I have always thought NAD equipment was pretty good for the price as do many other far more experienced audiophiles as myself. She will also probably appreciate that the pieces match asthetically too.

just my 2c

the vandersteen 1b/c's have a pretty small footprint, so I don't think that would be a real issue if they are going on the floor...if they are, don't forget...if you buy monitors you will also need stands...and then not only that, but most stands have spikes so you will then be spending another 50 bucks minimum for floor protectors if she has wood floors in her apt...If the spekers are going to be on a bookshelf or wall mounted...both of which will sacrifice some sound quality, be sure to look for a front ported design.
