Helping a friend build a new system

A good family friend has recently retired and is looking to build a system for his home office. He used to own a nice sound system some 25 years ago but hasn't been actively pursuing the hobby. He was visiting my home a few weeks ago and I guess listening to my system must have inspired him to finally build a new one. He asked me to help set up a new system (new to him, he's willing to buy used). I asked him a bunch of questions to find out what he wants and how much he is willing to spend. His responses are summarized below:

1. Budget -- since he's retired he wants to keep the total system budget to around $7-8K (including cables)
2. Components Needed -- bookshelf speakers, integrated amp, cables. He already has a CD player which would do for now, but he might get into streaming later on. He owns a few hundred CDs.
3. Room size -- around 10x12 with 10 foot ceilings. Fully carpeted with some furniture.  
4. Music genres -- jazz, blues, vocals (he's a big fan of Frank Sinatra, Chet Baker, Billy Holiday, etc.), and R&B
5. Listening preferences -- he is looking for an 'intimate' and cozy experience and wants to try tube amps with high sensitivity bookshelf speakers. He mostly listens at a moderate volume and can be sensitive to high frequencies.

He also mentioned that he has some hearing loss since he's in his early 60s and suffers from a mild case of tinnitus. I'm not sure if this plays a role in the choice of components but I thought it's worth mentioning just in case.

I will really appreciate it if you guys can provide some pointers. Please remember that he is retired so $8k is absolutely the max he can do. System synergy is important. And, please no Tekton or class D recommendations. He really wants to try some affordable tube gear as a starting point.


Showing 12 responses by dcevans

I mean, who wants to move their speakers every time they enter the room and want to listen?
I have a similar sized room, and wanted speakers that could be placed 1 foot from the front wall. Would advise a sealed or front ported speaker. I went with a Vandersteen VRL CT standmount speaker and I’m very happy. Have a Vandersteen Sub3 subwoofer with it, and a solid state integrated amp (Belles Aria Signature). The VRL CT have decent low end that benefits from its proximity to the wall, and a sub could be added later. ATC is a good suggestion, though the Vandersteen and ATC are not very efficient, and would probably benefit from the tube wattage of a Rogue Cronus Magnum tube integrated to make them sing, offer some dynamic headroom. 
I think ProAc, DeVore 3XL and Fritz are great suggestions for the VTL integrated. I gave serious consideration to Fritz. 
My 2 cents
I would caution against the Klipsch Heresy in that room. Before going with Vandersteen VRL CT, I purchased the sealed Heresy III. It seemed like it should be a good match for the room with the ability to place near the wall, and controlled directivity of the tweeter to minimize room interactions. I had it on the long wall of my 11 x14 room. It is very forward sounding, leading to quick fatigue listening in the near to midfield. And sitting too close with them on the floor led to a compressed vertical dimension of images. My Heresys are now being used in a loft in a home theater setup.
Certainly he could get a used Heresy for $1000-$1500 to try it out for himself in his room, and sell off if he doesn’t. If he buys new, they require a lengthy break in of at least 200 hours. The new IV is rear ported, so it should be pulled out more than 1 foot from the wall.
I really think he would be happy with Fritz. Have not heard them myself, but highly regarded at audio shows as a well balanced speaker. Have seen a picture of some speaker stands with casters used with the Harbeth P3ESR, allowing them to be easily wheeled out 3-4 feet from the wall for nearfield listening. Sorry, but I do not recall the name of the manufacturer. They would require a subwoofer, and the footprint of that room is small so space is at a premium if he is also using as a home office. He could get by without a subwoofer with the Fritz and Spendor, with proper positioning for room gain in the bass frequencies.
My 2 cents
While it doesn’t have brand name recognition, the Watkins Generation IV recommended earlier is a helluva speaker per Dick Olsher (a tube equipment reviewer) for 2K new, and is sensitive enough to be easily driven by the VTL IT-85. Would leave money left over for MHDT Orchid DAC and perhaps a Bluesound Node streamer. 
Folks—he has already bought the VTL integrated.  Let us help him from here !!!!!  The Harbeth P3-ESR is the classic small room speaker.  So called pipe and slippers. I will be honest and say I have never heard them, but pair them with a REL T7i sub and I think you are set. Get some stands that allow them to be be moved easily from the front wall, you are set. 
I love 2 way speakers. They disappear and image like no other. They are the biggest bang for the buck in my opinion. I have my sights on a Stenheim Alumine 2 SE as my end game speaker. The Fritz Carrera Be punches way above its weight class. Probably rivals a Joseph Audio Pulsar from what I have I read. I live in Rapid City SD and have not heard most or not all of the speakers that are on your list ( I have heard Spendor Classic speakers and was underwhelmed). We are in a COVID world and I have been on the front lines as a hospitalist physician. I wanted to attend RMAF this year, but alas it has been cancelled. So take what I say with a grain of salt. But I would jump on Fritz’s 30 day trial with no hesitation.
Since Fritz has weighed in, perhaps he could comment on the ideal positioning of his speakers?
I’m a Vandersteen fan, and think the VLR would be a better choice room-wise. The 1Ci should be pulled out at least 3 feet into the room to sound great. The VLR or used Treos could be placed 1 foot from the front wall (your friend’s requirement) without compromising the soundstage and imaging to a significant degree. Given the small size of the room, I think the 60 watts of the VTL-IT85 should be more than adequate to drive them to decent SPLs. I love my VLR CTs for my den/library system. They are nearly double the price of the VLR Wood (up-charge for the carbon tweeter).
The suggestion above to visit with John Rutan at Audio Connection in Verona NJ is a great one. I think he might steer you towards ProAc with the tube integrated, as he seems to favor solid state with Vandys unless you feed them much higher tube watts (e.g., Quicksilver tube monos at 180 wpc).