Help with XLR between Luxman L-509X & Hegel HD30 DAC

Hey there ... I have a Hegel HD30 DAC which will soon be plugged into a Luxman L-509X I'm awaiting delivery on.

Hegel says the best/preferred analog output of the HD30 is the XLR balanced outputs.

However, I have heard or read somewhere (I think) that either the Hegel or the Luxman has a different "hot" pin on their XLR connections.

Can anyone verify this, and is it something I need to be aware of when connecting the two via XLR? I always figured XLR was XLR, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that there can be different standards in the way these things are built. 


Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara

Luxman L-509x

Balanced input terminals(1, 2)

Phase inverter switch(1, 2)