Help with XLR between Luxman L-509X & Hegel HD30 DAC

Hey there ... I have a Hegel HD30 DAC which will soon be plugged into a Luxman L-509X I'm awaiting delivery on.

Hegel says the best/preferred analog output of the HD30 is the XLR balanced outputs.

However, I have heard or read somewhere (I think) that either the Hegel or the Luxman has a different "hot" pin on their XLR connections.

Can anyone verify this, and is it something I need to be aware of when connecting the two via XLR? I always figured XLR was XLR, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that there can be different standards in the way these things are built. 


Showing 1 response by atmasphere

To be clear, the American standard is pin 1 ground, pin 2 **noninverting**, pin 3 **inverting**.
There is no 'cold' and 'hot'; both signal pins carry equal importance.
The Euro standard reverses the phase- the assignments of pins 2 and 3 are reversed.

So if you just hook up, the worst that can happen is the absolute polarity of your system might be inverted, assuming that the amp does not invert otherwise. However, exactly 50% of all recordings are inverted polarity, so this is really a non-issue. The only time you can really hear this sort of thing is when the recording is done with 2 or 3 mics in a true stereo pattern. Even then you need to compare to see which way is right (an inversion switch is handy for this as inverting the speaker connections of both channels is a bit of a pain in the rear).

Bottom line: don't worry about it!