Help with Sub Woofer connection

How can I connect a sub woofer in my current system System consists of a custom made 25 watt per ch. integrated amp and JM Labs Electra 906 Monitors. Amp Does not have any pre outs.Is there any way to add a sub woofer to this set up?

Showing 4 responses by dweller

I would NEVER use the crossover in a subwoofer as a high-pass filter feeding my main amp. Use the full range signal (coming out of your preamp) to feed both your main amp AND your subwoofer. Use the subwoofer's volume and/or variable frequency points to integrate with main speakers. Subwoofer crossovers (not including the new, unheard, digital Velodynes) add SO many veils it's not funny...

BUT if you don't have pre-amp outs... use an RCA splitter on the signal coming from your CD player and route one to your custom integrated and one to your subwoofer. This should cover you for CD and two-channel DVD playback. My DVD/CD players have multiple RCA outs for the audio signal.
So I don't need to use a splitter.
Forget about the theory and listen to the results. The "timing" issues are minuscule to the point of irrelevance. I do agree with the volume synchronization problem, however. This can be overcome with a used preamp (Carver, etc.) with remote control (between the CD's RCA's and the subwoofer).
All I'm saying is I've never found a subwoofer crossover to come anywhere close to transparent (when passing the audio signal forward to the main speakers).
Happy Holidays!
Bmopti123: Yes, this sounds good. I didn't read your orig post closely enough. As long as this setup doesn't present some wierd impedance profile to the integrated.