Help with Speaker Selection

I have a very old system, a Nakamichi PA-7 stasis amp and Nak CA-7 pre-amp. I am looking for a pair of speakers, and my room is quite large at 30x20 with 12 foot high ceilings. I want to spend no more than $2k. Anyone have any suggestions for a pair of speakers?

Showing 2 responses by stanwal

I would recommend you look at some of the large dynamic speakers on Audiogon. If you want recent models there is a Focal/JM labs 918 for $1800 or a Dynaudio Contour T2.5 for $i995. This speaker listed for $4495 and the other for around $4000. Among older models I would look at KEF and B&W. Large speakers have quadrupled in price in the last 15 years and you can get speakers whose successors are now in the 8 to ten K$ range very reasonably. The KEF 107/2 was the top of the range and cost $5000 twenty years ago , there is one listed for $1550. It is still a very good speaker. There are various B&W 804s and 802 models for $1095 and up. Just sold was a KEF Reference 203 for $1500. I would have bought that one myself if I could have thought of any creditable excuse to give my wife as I already have 7 pairs, not counting 4 pairs of subs. All of the speakers would benefit from newer amps but could be used with your equipment to the best of my knowledge. I am certain about the B&Ws and KEFs. Look up reviews for any that interest you on the net.
In regard to Ehider comment I believe that the Magnepans , like the Quads, are bipolar rather than dipolar. That is , their forward and backward radiation is IN phase rather than OUT of phase as in a dipolar. A cursory internet search supports this.