Help with Sonus Faber Extrema issue

I have a pair of Sonus Faber Extremas hooked up to a pair of Parasound JC1 monoblocks.  One of the speakers periodically will exhibit signicantly lower volume (down to almost no volume) in the middle of a listening session.  It seems to occur when during more dynamic passages and also when the amps have been on for a while.  If I turn everything off for a few minutes, the problem usually goes away.  I reversed the speaker cables at the speakers and the same speaker still exhibited the issue, so the issue is with the speaker.  What could cause this problem?  Could it be a bad connection somewhere in the speaker?  Could it be that crossover parts need to be changed due to age?

Showing 2 responses by daveyf

Winston, the amp could still be the problem...if you are still connected to the same mono bloc..If not, then I would definitely suspect the x-over. Probably one of the x-over parts is getting hot and is therefore acting up. Once it cools, you are temporarily ok.
The age factor that you mention is the culprit. 
BTW, thought you had sold the SF's...great speaker BTW!
Winston, I am almost 100% sure your problem lies with the x-over. The Extrema's need a lot of power...but can, like any speaker, be over driven. That and the age, means a trip to to the tech. 

@mijostyn, the Extrema's haven't been made for decades...warranty service isn't in the cards, LOL.