Help with Ohm Walsh 2's

My friend recently got a pair of Ohm Walsh 2's, which the drivers had gone out on. Are these worth repairing? Does anyone have recommendations on who can replace the drivers?

I remember that these were some sort of omni-directional speakers. I also remember that the sound was pretty good. Can these speakers be put against the wall or do they require some space?

These Ohm speakers came with a passive sub-woofer, which is no longer around. Should my friend use a sub-woofer?

Showing 1 response by zorpman

I have a pair of Walsh 2s that I no longer use. You can get replacement drivers through OHM at(I believe)

Ohm supports even its older speakers.

I found the 2s very forgiving of speaker placement. I used mine with a sub-woofer.