thank you guys for taking the time to help. It is much appreciated. I believe I got things working as they should. It was an HDMI hand shake issue in addition to setting the correct audio choices and inputs on the Oppo and the Marantz. Then I managed to get my Harmony 950 set up for Macros. I tell ya I probably spent 8 hours getting this set up.
Have the Oppo Main out to the Marantz DVD input. The Monitor outs of the Marantz are going to the TV and Projector( which is the way it has been before the oppo was introduced). the a7.1 analog outputs from the Oppo to the Marantz 7.1 inputs and the stereo outputs of the Oppo to an analog (CD ) input on the Marantz. Seems redundant to have the 7.1 and 2 channel analog inputs for the Marantz. The 7.1 down mixes to 2 channel when a stereo CD or SACD is played. Or I'm I not correctly using the stereo outputs on the Oppo? My last question I swear!
Have the Oppo Main out to the Marantz DVD input. The Monitor outs of the Marantz are going to the TV and Projector( which is the way it has been before the oppo was introduced). the a7.1 analog outputs from the Oppo to the Marantz 7.1 inputs and the stereo outputs of the Oppo to an analog (CD ) input on the Marantz. Seems redundant to have the 7.1 and 2 channel analog inputs for the Marantz. The 7.1 down mixes to 2 channel when a stereo CD or SACD is played. Or I'm I not correctly using the stereo outputs on the Oppo? My last question I swear!