Help with high end bookshelf speakers

I need help please. Past few years I'm gone through a myriad of speakers and now my wife is relegating me to a third bedroom for a dedicated listing space. I'm trying to figure out what kind of bookshelf speakers I can use with a Hegel 390, Auralic, Denafrips DAC in an 11x12 room. Trying to decide if I need to change my whole system or find something that works with what I have.

Thanks everyone


Showing 4 responses by soix

So we STILL don't know anything about your current setup and the sound you're looking for.  It's always odd when people ask for help and then withhold information. It makes one wonder...

@mlsstl Yeah, the writing’s on the wall here.  When trying to get the most basic info to help someone is like pulling teeth I cut bait as I have here.  If others wanna spend their time throwing darts at a board blindfolded more power to them — I’ll spend my valuable time helping other people who don’t make it so hard and where it’s far less likely that I’m just wasting it.

I'm curious why I didn't get the usual suspects when I asked about a high-end bookshelf speaker i.e. Sonus Faber, Dynaudio & Revel. Makes me wonder...

Because for some reason, and despite being asked repeatedly by several others, you’re providing no info on budget, what speakers you’re using now, what specific improvements/sound characteristics you’re looking for, or if your looking for new or used.  Stop wondering and just share this basic and critical info and you’ll get much better and more specific/targeted recommendations here.  Sheesh.  Help us help you.

Humm, hadn't thought of divorce as an option but think it might be a tad more expensive.

A long time ago Howard Stern, who had gone through a divorce himself, was interviewing Chuck Norris about his pricey divorce and gave him this advice — “You know why divorce is so expensive?  Because it’s worth it!”  

I’ll echo others — what speakers do you have now, what sound characteristics are you looking for, what’s your budget, and are you looking for new or used? Need more to go on here.  Also, is divorce an option?  That could potentially solve all your problems.  Heh heh.