Just so you know the Equitech 1.5Q is a Balanced Power 60Vac - 0Vac - 60Vac System.
It is not like the 120/240Vac power system that feeds your home.
120/240Vac,... 120Vac - 0Vac -120Vac
Both have split phase secondary windings.
Equitech 1.5Q has two 60V secondary windings in series with one another.
60Vac + 60Vac =120Vac
The simple answer
If a 120V load is connected to the two Hot leads current will travel in the circuit. From one Hot lead, from the secondary winding of the transformer, through the load and return to the the secondary winding on the other hot lead.
Think of it like a 240Vac Central Air Conditioning condensing unit outside your house. It’s fed with two Hot ungrounded Conductors and a safety equipment ground. No neutral conductor.
The Equitech 1.5Q secondary winding neutral center tap is not used for power. That is unless you have something that runs on 60Vac. That’s what the voltage is from either Hot to neutral.
It is only used to created a Grounded Power System and provide a safety equipment ground system.
The Equitech 1.5Q puts out 120V only. Two ungrounded Hots and a safety equipment ground.
An Overview of Audio System Grounding & Interfacing
Read pages 201, 202, and 203.
Page 202 has a simple wiring diagram for a Balanced Power System.