Help with advice for high end speaker cables for my system!

Hello I could use some advice with speaker cable choices.  I am using a Marantz AV-7704 preamp, 2 Krell  KAV250a amps, and a Krell KAV 250/A3 amp.   The 3 amps are running to a pair of Martin Logan Request floor standing speakers, a Martin Logan Cinema center channel, and a pair of Martin Logan in ceiling surround speakers.  2 of the amps are bridged, one each dedicated to a Martin Logan stereo speaker, and the Krell 3 channel amp is running the center and rear surrounds. I listen to about 50% stereo music and 50% home theater.   I could really use some help and advice with stereo speaker cables for the Martin Logan stereo speakers.  All the high end shops in my area seem to have closed, so the ability to demo different cables is apparently not an option.  I am considering Audioquest Oak cables, but really open to suggestions, especially if you have used similar components with good results.  Thank you!!
My amplifiers came with speaker wire.... off topic... I know....
easy to test the zip cord downgrade theory as you already have the Monster
agree on Cable company - what a great and effective business model
i use a variety of wire: Mogami in the mobile recording rack, Blue Jean and Non-DBS Audioquest in my vintage system, a mix of Kimber and Shunyata at the Condo
100% DBS Audioquest in my Reference system

I would caution you to temper your expectations, expecting a "very substantial" upgrade from your speaker cables is a tall order in my experience. Like Elizabeth, I found money was much better spent by proportionally spending more on interconnects than speaker cables. Again, she and ron1319 offer excellent advice in suggesting the assistance of the Cable Company. 
This is very helpful, thanks.  When you all say get demos from the “cable company” do you mean retailer or manufacturers?  I don’t have a good high end shop in my area.  Do the manufacturers offer these demos directly, or do you have to do it through a retailer?   Also, if anyone has experience with cables between Martin Logan speakers and Krell Amps, that would give me a good starting place (brands) to try.   Thanks for all the advice!
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The very low impedance of your speakers in the treble region (descending to 1.2 ohms at 20 kHz) will likely cause them to react differently to a given speaker cable than the results most others may report for the same cable. And in particular that impedance characteristic will make the inductance of the cable more critical than in most other applications. Although the short length you require will work in the direction of reducing its criticality, since cable inductance is proportional to length (as are most other cable parameters).

So in addition to possibly pursuing the good suggestion of The Cable Company, I would focus on researching what cables others are using in the specific case of Martin-Logan electrostatic speakers, most of which have similar impedance characteristics.

A good way to find such information would be to enter the term "Logan" into the search box of the Virtual Systems section of Audiogon, and peruse the system descriptions that search turns up. (For some reason entering "Martin Logan" into that search box produces an error message).

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al