Help with a new TV please

Hi everyone,
This is pretty new territory for me, my current version of "home theatre" is a 27" Panasonic tv. That's about to change however, the girlfriend and I are about to close on a new condo, our first as homeowners, and we are downsizing, not unexpectedly. To maximize space we thought a thin, wall mountable tv would be just the ticket, plasma or lcd. Then a thought crossed my mind, what about a projector? So I ask the experts out there, what is our best bet? This is for everyday tv and occasional movie watching. We want hdtv and we want longterm reliability is such a thing exists. Our total budget is $2500 hopefully that buys us a nice tv. Since my current set cost a cool $300 I figure something nice is out there. Our budget should include either wall or ceiling mounting as well as calibration. I eagerly await your advice.

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

Hi Jon- Unfortuately, its going to be pretty tough to do on that budget. Calibration alone will eat up more than 10% of that, I would guess. Wall mount bracket for a typical plasma goes $2-400. For best bang for buck right now, I would say DLP. You will NOT get an HDTV plasma for that; even EDTV (480p) which executed right, is a very good picture, will be right up to your limit if not over. DLP is not quite wall-mountable, but about 12-16" thick, depending on model. If you can find the space, an HD-RPTV will give you very good PQ at a relatively modest cost (under $2K, giving you $ for calibration. Sorry. Also check out; those guys really know their stuff.
TIC- Sounds like you got a pretty good deal, and if space is a premium (it is in my den), then the wall mount plasma is an unbeatable solution. And I used an ED (=480p) CRT TV for a few years before getting the plasma. The key is to have a good input signal. Garbage in = garbage out, especially with a high resolution transducer, like a TV display or speaker