Help with $600 to $800 integrated amp

I am reducing my home theatre to a 2 channel setup and am looking for a good integrated amp.

Current system
Nakamichi AV8 receiver
Marantz (Ah Thoebs 99') CD
Nordost Blue Heaven interconect
Marantz DV4200 DVD
NHT 1.5 main speakers
Kimber Kable 8TC speaker wire
NHT SA-1 sub amp with NHT 10' sub
NHT AC-1 center channel

I am selling the receiver and center channel for starters and am looking to get an integrated that will be good with a variety of music (jazz and electronica (lounge style) mostly, but also Rock, R&B and classical). I would like to continue using the sub as I enjoy the flexibilty I have over the bass. I like a smooth sound and rarely if ever use high volume. At some point in the future I plan to upgrade my speakers as well, but want to start with the amp.

I am looking for used or new. My consideration list currently has:
Classe Cap-80
Arcam A75 Plus (heard it and was really impressed)
Arcam A65 Plus
Creek 4330SE
Creek 5350R (maybe out of my price range)
Audio Refinement Complete

Any thoughts?
Well, first if you are looking for a subwoofer output, the audio refinement is out. It's a great unit, I just sold mine because I upgraded, but it is one stellar little integrated. It doesn't have pre outs. You may not miss the sub. I never did. I haven't heard the Arcam stuff, but have heard good things. The Anthem INT 2 is another good choice if you aren't real picky about remotes. The Creek is also a great little integrated. The 5350SE is an excellent choice and would be good if you could stretch your budget to near 1000 dollars used. Muscial Fidelity would be another good choice. The A3 can be had for somewhere around 800 usually. I would put the Creek and the audio refinement at the top as far as smooth and refined sound goes. Electocompaniet makes an integrated called the ECI 3 and I've seen them go for around 850. I haven't heard one, but I would expect they are nothing but quality. If you decide you want to spend a little less, look into the NAD integrateds. They are a great bargin. Personally, I would stay away from the rotel integrateds. Hope this helps.