help w philips turntable

i got a philips direct control 877 from a relative 5 years ago. It played music fine but i did not use it for a few years. I put on an LP just for fun and now no sound plays. Interestingly, when i raise and lower the tone arm, i still hear a few static pops/clicks. The phono preamp (DJpre2) is on and its clipping indicator does blink when the clicks occur. I also tried an entirely different sound path connecting the turntable to a schist jotunheim preamp with a phono preamp module it has. Still no music from the headphones.

brushing the needle directly does not induce any  noise tho.. I tried a new cartridge (shure mx97e) and still no sound.


Why should i be able to hear crackly noises from tone arm movement but nothing from the cartridge? Unless the wires in the tonearm corroded?? but this turntable has been sitting in the same stereo cabinet for 5 years and it played fine as recently as 3 years ago. Could a bad capacitor cause this?
