Help w/ amp for ML Requests

Am buying pair of Requests. My current VTL Compact 160 Monoblocks probably can't drive them well. Please help with
good reasonable amp selection, tube or ss, $3-5K. Key word is reasonable.

Showing 2 responses by rgodin

I have a pair of M-L CLS II which also present a very difficult load. I've had excellent results with both CODA and a Threshold amps. Threshold went out of business and is back again, but it isn't the same company, so service could be a problem. I found the CODA to be cleaner in the mids and highs. Both are smooth and can totally control the M-L.
If you consider the InnerSound, look at the Coda - both are designed and made by the Coda-Continuum Group and very similar in appearance and sound.