HELP Turning off the Left Brain

Its been over 25 years since I bought my first stereo. All my friends wanted wheels, I just wanted to play my records on something other than my parents stereo console. After spending over 25 years training my ears to distinguish between the tiniest differences in and between components, cables, room acoustics et al (and yes I believe for the most part it is a learned skill), I now find it very difficult to sit down and just ENJOY THE MUSIC without always critiquing the presentation. As a matter of fact, a lot of the music that I originally enjoyed when I was among the great unwashed masses, I can't stand listening to anymore. I always thought that at some point the equipment would allow the music to transcend the medium, but regardless of the quality of the presentation, the left brain always whips out the notebook.

Has anyone found a way to stop the madness?
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Showing 1 response by newbee

Turning off the left brain is tough to do, especially for equipment and set up freaks. You're probably very normal. It sounds to me as if you're just bored with your music.

The solution to the problem is to start taking music itself as the important part of the hobby and applying as much effort in that regard as you previously did with equipment and set up. In my experience, unlike the past, when I put on music now I hear the audio stuff for a few seconds, but then the music takes over.

I don't know what your preferences are but the possibilities for expanding your knowledge and enjoyment of music is endless in classical and jazz alone.

Highly recommended!