Help Tracking Down Michell Armboard for Rega Tonearm

Hi All,

Like the title says, I am hoping anyone can help me track down an arm board so I can get a tonearm on my Michell Gyro SE, in the US. I bought the turntable used back in August without a tonearm thinking it wouldn't be too hard to find a Michell tonearm or an arm board to put a Rega on there. I was apparently very wrong, and now have a fantastic turntable that I can't listen to. My local HiFi shop can't seem to get any of the Michell tonearms (they are a dealer) for some reason. I can only find the arm board from a site in the UK that says they don't ship Michell products to the US. Does anyone here know where in the US I could find something to get this thing up and running?




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