Help selecting Pioneer Elite used receiver

I am looking for used decent surround receiver under $400 (CAD). Following items available used craigslist Canada. Is there a way to understand how the Pioneer Elite VSX series are named based on high-end or low-end? Would any one of experts be able to help pick out any one or two AV receivers from the list below that is outstanding and awesome from this list below?


VSX-94TXH - $375 (CAD)

VSX-01TXH - $300 (CAD)

VSX-09TX - $250 (CAD)

 VSX-80TXV - $250 (CAD)

VSX-56TXI - $250 (CAD)

VSX-07TX - $175 (CAD)

VSX-52TX - $120 (CAD)

VSX-51 (year 1991 model) - $110 (CAD)


Thanks in advance for your advise.



Showing 2 responses by mahler123

I had one of the OP choices, can’t remember which, cost me about $200 used 10 years ago.  Used it for 5 years with no issue.  My son has it now and no issues

The OP should be aware that HDMI standards have changed a lot since 2008, and make sure that whatever he or she gets will be compatible with whatever they are going to plug into it.  In fact one reason there are so many models was due to changing HDMI  standards, as well as changes in Audio and Video Codecs.  Sound wise, there isn’t much difference