Help selecting a power cord.

All my gear has the factory supplied power cords  I’m ready to try 1 aftermarket power cable as a test.  So what brand power cable should it be and what device gets it first?  Tube pre?  Tube main?  D/A?  CD transport?  Roon Nucleus?  Subs?  GE Trefs?? Turntable? Oppo 103?   Which piece of my gear should be most affected by the improved power cord??  I look forward to the responses and will likely choose the cord that has the most recommendations.

Showing 1 response by terry9

I did the following test.

1. Installed an isolation transformer (Plitron). The electrical inspector said that it was the cleanest power he had ever seen outside a generating station.
2. Change in sound was obvious: crisper, clearer, cleaner.
3. Borrowed two expensive power cords. Each made a slight improvement over factory cords when using wall power; but neither was as good as factory cord plus isolation transformer.
4. When plugged into the isolation transformer, the expensive cords made no improvement over the factory cords.
5. Conclusion: save up for an isolation transformer, IF you can locate it outside the listening room. That is important because they tend to growl when doing their job, which is cleaning up the power and protecting your equipment from DC.


Good luck!