HELP.. power problems

So since I moved I've noticed I have some major power issues with my audio gear.. anytime my dishwasher changes cycles, or my refrigerator kicks on or I turn a light off specifically I get a loud pop..the only filter I have was something laying around that was designed for copier machines from years ago.. and it didnt help even a little.. What can I do to solve this thats not crazy expensive??
This may or may not help, but when I moved into my current home five years ago I had the same problem. An electrician from work came over and told me that I needed to replace all of my recepticles and light switches.

He told me that the cheap contractor grade pieces are just that, cheap. He showed me how to do it and I went out and bought the best industrial pieces the home improvement store had. I switched them all out and don't have the problem anymore.

They're not that expensive and much more heavy duty.

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