Help picking a tube preamp, please

Can you suggest a new tube preamp? This is the kind of thing I'm looking for:

-the usual goals for good dynamics and detail, quiet background, uncolored and even tonality and good imaging, but I'm especially keen on articulate bass extension. I frequently listen at lower levels, so appreciate the bass extension.
- small, fine volume-control steps via remote control. This is absolutely key for enjoyment.
- no phono input needed. Actually, only one or maybe two inputs are needed.
- budget $6-7k-ish, new or newer-used. Budgets are mere guidelines.
- must be available for an in-home demo somehow.
- emotionally I prefer point-point wiring, but execution is all that matters.
- if a preamp is sold with more shrill reissue tubes, I can fix that later with some nice NOS ones.

Connected gear: both hi-res and redbook files fed from a CAPS Zuma SoTM server computer into a Hegel HD25 DAC, said preamp into Quicksilver Silver 88 amps with some NOS input tubes and KT150 output tubes driving Sonus Faber Elipsa SE speakers, all wired up with Kimber 1026, 1126, and 6065 hybrid cabling.

Thanks much, Ralph

Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

Ralph, just so you know, on our preamp (Atma-Sphere) the steps are very close together at low volume settings for more control with high output digital sources.

Regarding bass: with a patented direct coupled output the MP-1 is the king of the hill, bar none. Disclaimer: manufacturer.
David, if you have a Ref 75 you must use a preamp that is balanced. The Ref 75 cannot accept a single-ended preamp, unless you use a line transformer to convert from single-ended to balanced.